FRPC hosting Drag Queen Story Time at Fall River Library, book club at bakery

The Fall River Pride Committee is hosting a LGBTQ+ book club, starting at 3:00 p.m. at Barcelos Bakery; 696-699 Bedford Street in Fall River on February 6th. The book selected this month is Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers. The meeting is open to anyone who is 18 or older and is interested in LGBTQ+ centered literature. Attendees are asked to make a purchase at the cafe when arriving.
“I decided to create the LGBTQ+ book club because I wanted to create a safe place for queer people to read books that resonate with their identity.”, says the director of queer literature of the Fall River Pride Committee Jamie DaCosta, “I am an avid reader and while trying to join book clubs, I have always felt out of place or unwanted. I never want to make others feel that way! I think it would be a great opportunity for people to learn more about themselves or put themselves into other’s shoes.”
The committee will also be continuing with its Drag Queen Story Time at the Fall River Public Library at 104 North Main Street on January 29 at 11:30 a.m. with Jordan Mayhem. Attendees are asked to use the library’s entrance on Elm Street, and as always there will be crafts for the kids to work on.
An official project of the SouthCoast LGBTQ Network, The FRPC is also working to bring a pride festival to Fall River annually.
For more information about The Fall River Pride Committee, contact Myles Lowery at (508) 728-8297, or email More info about FRPC can be found on its Facebook page:
January 16, 2022 at 9:34 pm
Here we go again; more Drag Queen child grooming at a City facility. Mayor Coogan should put a stop to this continuing sexual exploitation of children being conducted in PUBLIC at a public library by mentally ill men dressed as women and seeking cheap thrills in the company of children. Coogan should at least fire the library director. However, Coogan is a weak leader and this sick public display will only be further encouraged and accommodated. I suppose the ultimate responsible party are the dumb, fool parents that bring their young children to such a disturbing display. Especially a father. What kind of ‘man’ would allow his child to be subjected to this ?