
Free Bristol County Celebration of Seniors conference set for Friday



Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III’s office will hold its annual Bristol County Celebration of Seniors conference this Friday, June 14, at White’s of Westport.

The half-day event, which will begin with a free breakfast for all attendees at 9 a.m., will feature numerous speakers on issues of importance to seniors and their caretakers. The conference will also be home to more than 90 vendors, all of whom provide resources to elders in the region. The event is free and open to the public and will be a one stop shop for any elder, caretaker or loved one to get the important information they need to protect and care for an elder.

Speakers include DA Quinn, Elizabeth Cen of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, Dave Webster of Senior Whole Health, Mike Festa of AARP Massachusetts, Attorney Jane Sullivan, Lauren Langevin of Home Instead Senior Care and Kevin Smith of Best of Care, Inc.

The speakers will be presenting on topics ranging from preventing elder financial exploitation, legislative initiatives, estate planning, elder law and the key things to consider when seeking home care for an elder.

A list of the more than 90 vendors who will be setting up resource tables includes:

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Vendors Poster”]

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP: 508-961-1973 or

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