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Firefighter suffers traumatic injuries during blaze that destroyed home on Cape Cod



A firefighter was seriously injured this weekend while fighting a blaze that destroyed a Cape Cod home.

According to Falmouth Fire and Rescue, on Sunday, just after 1:30 p.m., a neighbor reported smoke coming from a home at 22 Rivers Edge Rd. The Fire Department was notified and responded to this address. The first arriving apparatus reported smoke coming from the building and personnel advanced a hose line to the front door and forced entry into the building.

A Lieutenant and two firefighters entered the structure with a heavy smoke condition, and approx. 4-5 feet into the structure, the Lieutenant fell through a burnt out opening in the floor into the basement and called out a MAYDAY indicating a firefighter in need of assistance.

Personnel immediately worked to gain access into the basement to locate the fallen member.

Upon entering the smoke-filled basement, personnel conducted an immediate search and were able to locate the firefighter whose personal alerting device was activated to help guide them to the fallen member.

They were able to quickly remove the Lieutenant, and upon removal from the structure he was assessed for injuries. It was apparent that he sustained significant injuries, and a Med Flight was requested.

He was transferred to an awaiting ambulance and then transported to an awaiting MedFlight at a local airpark and was flown to Massachusetts General Hospital. He was transported with traumatic injuries.

Two other fire personnel sustained minor injuries that required transport to Falmouth Hospital.

The fire burned throughout the structure and eventually went to a 3rd alarm due to the fire conditions and the need for additional personnel and resources. The fire was under control just after 3:30 p.m. The structure sustained extensive damage and is considered a total loss. The home was unoccupied, and the owners were out of state at the time of the fire.

Mutual Aid was required from neighboring Fire Departments to work at the scene or to cover fire stations in the town.

The Falmouth Fire Rescue Department along with the State Fire Marshals Office, Falmouth Police and local inspectional services will be back Monday morning to conduct their investigation and no cause has been determined.

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