Fall River’s Sprout is incredibly friendly and would love hugs and attention at a new home

Fall River Forever Paws Pet of the Week would love to be friendly with his new owners. Could that be you?
Sprout is the epitome of “big goofy baby”. He’s about a year old and still sees the world through the lens of his puppy brain. That means everything is a game, everything is exciting, and he rushes towards anything new with the sort of reckless enthusiasm that you would expect from a puppy.
Sprout is a 35lb podengo mix that is AMAZING with other dogs, so long as they match his energy. All he wants to do is play with them, so a canine housemate just as playful as he is would be perfect! Forever Paws would prefer placing him with older children because he does display some possessiveness when it comes to treats; we’re sure that it can be trained out of him and he hasn’t snapped or lunged, just growled, but it’s just as a precaution. They are also looking for a home without cats simply because they don’t think he knows how to play with a cat, and they can see him being a bit of an instigator.
He does love plush toys and tug toys but isn’t quite sure how to play with them WITH people, so he’ll need some help with that as well. He’s a bouncy guy that loves to be around people and will jump up on you for hugs and attention. He’s been a quiet guy so far (though it can’t be a guarantee that he’ll stay that way) and knows a few cues for you to build on. He loves strangers and is so, so incredibly friendly!
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