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Fall River’s Bowser is so gorgeous and sweet and deserves a forever home



Fall River Forever Paws Pet of the Week is such a great choice to bring home that the animal shelter couldn’t wait to let the public know all about him.

Bowser is still pretty new to Forever Paws, so they don’t have much info in regard to specifics but he’s just too gorgeous to not open up applications for! He’s a two-year-old rottweiler so he’s very much still a goofy puppy with puppy brain and rottie ADHD.
FP is looking for someone with breed experience that understands how rottweilers take FOREVER to grow up and mature.

He’s a sweet, handsome guy that lives for attention and loves to play. He’ll most LIKELY be fine with other dogs, but Forever Paws will do some further evaluating later in the week. FP would still prefer that he is the only dog and will most likely be asking for any children in the home to be 12+.

Bowser is going to be your personal trainer and your snuggle buddy all in one gorgeous package.

Visit and click adopt to download the application. Once complete, you can email it to or fax it to 508-677-9175.

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