Fall River, Wareham, Fairhaven, Tiverton residents receive Southcoast Health Volunteer of the Year Award

FAIRHAVEN, FALL RIVER, NEW BEDFORD and WAREHAM, Mass. – Southcoast Health is honored to present Helen Rochelle, Sharon Souza, Cathie Markow and Paul Rodrigues with the annual Volunteer of the Year Award for their service in 2023.
This recognition celebrates the outstanding work of these individuals who have graciously donated their time to the health system and its patients at Charlton Memorial Hospital, St. Luke’s Hospital, Tobey Hospital, and the Southcoast Health Visiting Nurse Association, respectively.
“We are so grateful for all of our volunteers. They selflessly give their time to help with so much of what we do here at Southcoast Health,” said Donna Galotti Kincman, Manager of Volunteer Services and Visitor Management at Southcoast Health. “These awards exemplify the amazing impact kindness can have on our community.”
Each year, Southcoast Health selects four recipients from over 100 volunteers who enhance the care experience for patients and families. Volunteers perform many services such as running the hospital gift shops, participating in Southcoast Health’s baby cuddler program, playing piano in the hospital lobbies, and assisting with fundraising efforts.
2023 Volunteers of the Year:
· Helen Rochelle, of Tiverton, RI, who for the last four years has served as a greeter at Charlton Memorial Hospital
· Sharon Souza, a retired RN from Fairhaven who worked for Southcoast for 16 years, who has been volunteering for the past year at the Level II Nursery at St. Luke’s Hospital and at the Cancer Center in Fairhaven
· Cathie Markow, of Wareham, who for two years has brought her Jack Russell dog, Jack, to Tobey Hospital, in Wareham, to provide pet therapy to patients
· Paul Rodrigues, of Fall River, a retired Southcoast Health courier who worked for the system for 17 years, who has served as a hospice volunteer with Southcoast VNA since 2019
“Volunteers are at the heart of Southcoast Health’s promise to deliver exceptional care from people who care,” said Kimberley Coon, Executive Director of Hospital and Medical Staff Services at Southcoast Health. “We are so thankful for the opportunity to work with wonderful community members like Helen, Sharon, Cathie and Paul every day and we are proud to recognize their dedication and compassion. Their work is a vital part of our organization’s success for the communities we serve.”
To learn more about Southcoast Health’s volunteer opportunities visit
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