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Fall River sees second harbormaster resignation since July



Photo courtesy of Don LeBlanc

The City of Fall River is once again looking for a new harbormaster.

On Monday, Don LeBlanc announced on social media that he has resigned in his position as harbormaster.

“For those that have not yet heard, I’ve resigned my position as harbormaster. I was glad to step in last summer at a time the city needed my help. I’ve enjoyed helping and educating boaters for a safer operation and navigation on the waterways here in Fall River. However, at this point in my life, I look forward to spending more time at my camp in New Hampshire and come the summer, spend more quality time with my loving family on my boat. Thank you to everyone I’ve met, and your assistance given to me during my time as harbormaster. I look forward to seeing you all on the Bay!”

LeBlanc became the harbormaster after Bob Smith resigned in July and filed a lawsuit against the City claiming retaliation.

According to Lt. Gregory Wiley, there is currently not a replacement for LeBlanc. Harbormaster assistant Paul Borges will assume some of the duties until a replacement is announced.

The position pays a yearly salary of $2,500.

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