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Fall River Police make arrest after Orbeez shooting investigation



A Fall River teen has been arrested after an Orbeez investigation by police.

According to Captain Barden Castro, on Thursday, at approximately 6:35 p.m., members of the Fall River Police Department Vice Intelligence and Gang Unit were on patrol in the Corky Row neighborhood when they spotted several males shooting at each other with toy guns which fire Orbeez (Orbeez are small polymer balls which absorb water and have a thick gel like consistence).

Due to recent news articles and a report of an assault taking place with Orbeez recently, detectives decided that they would pay particular attention to this area during the evening.

Later in the evening, detectives spotted some of the same males inside of a local convenience store and watched as they acted suspiciously. Detectives also spotted what was believed to be a bag of narcotics in the possession of one of the males. Detectives entered the business and encountered the males, inquiring if they possessed any weapons. Due to the circumstances, detectives conducted frisks of the males and found 18-year-old Joshua Holmes was in possession of a loaded Glock .45 caliber pistol. Castro stated that due to his age, Joshua Holmes is not legally permitted to carry a firearm under Massachusetts law.

Detectives are still trying to determine the status of the recovered pistol.

Joshua Holmes was placed under arrest and was charged with felony firearms offenses.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. david

    April 2, 2022 at 12:13 am

    How did Hood Rat Holmes come to possess a Glock pistol when Massachusetts has such very strict and comprehensive gun laws?

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