Fall River native, basketball star, ranked as first round NBA pick in mock draft

He is a 6’5″ shooting guard from Fall River and is one of the most sought-after basketball players in the country and according to a recent sports publication, is currently NBA worthy.
Joson Sanon’s high school basketball journey began at Durfee High School as a freshman. Most of us in the Fall River area associate Durfee basketball excellence with the Herren brothers, however, Sanon is making his own path.
Despite keeping his Fall River roots, Sanon moved on from being a Hilltopper and headed to Vermont Academy in Saxtons River, Vermont where he has become a top college recruit.
We asked Joson’s father Josue last summer what prompted the change of high schools.
“He had to move to Vermont Academy to get some competition in the game. He has more opportunities at a private school, but he appreciates Durfee High School for the effort and the support.”
Sanon has received over 15 scholarship offers from D1 schools including Indiana, Kansas, Georgia, Georgetown, Alabama, UNLV, UCONN, UMASS, Providence College, and Washington.
ESPN released their 2025 mock NBA draft on Monday and had Sanon in at #28 although there are no indications yet that Sanon plans on turning pro in 2025. He has also been ranked as a top 10 college prospect.
On top of being one of the most highly recruited ballers for his on the court performance, Sanon’s coach at Vermont Academy John Zall, says that he is also a great kid.
Sanon’s skills have garnered him invites to elite tournaments and camps across the country. Just last month, Sanon participated in the HoopHall Prep Showcase in Springfield, Massachusetts where he averaged over 30 points in two games against top ranked teams in the country.
Scouts say Sanon has a good basketball IQ, can shoot the three, mid-range, and close range, and can also defend multiple positions.
Josue is very proud of his son and rightfully so. The hope is that Joson will graduate high school, then graduate college, then take his talents to the NBA.
Many in Fall River will be pulling for him to do just that.
February 26, 2024 at 8:25 pm
All respect to the boy, I just want my respect.