Fall River man sentenced to more prison time after being accused of intimidating witness set to testify in murder trial

A 27-year-old Fall River man was convicted by a jury of his peers last week in Superior Court for intimidating a witness in a criminal case, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III announced.
The jury convicted Brandan Tessier of Intimidation of a Witness after deliberating for about an hour last week in Fall River Superior Court. He was sentenced to serve two to four years in state prison by Judge Daniel O’Shea.
On March 5, 2022, a lieutenant working at the Bristol County House of Correction in Dartmouth was bringing food to inmates. When the lieutenant got to inmate Brandan Tessier, he called out to the victim, calling him a “rat f*ck” for testifying against “my boy.” Tessier then told the victim, “wait till I see you on the outside, you’re getting stuck”.
At the time of the incident, the victim had been served with a subpoena to testify in a murder trial and was preparing to testify in the case.
The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Jason Mohan.
“I am very pleased the jury held the defendant accountable for violent threats against a corrections officer who was just doing his job. This type of behavior towards a witness in a criminal case will not be tolerated by my office,” District Attorney Quinn said.
November 3, 2023 at 2:01 pm
Drop this guy off in Gaza.
5th Street Baller
November 4, 2023 at 6:51 am
snitches get stitches, Respect be earned in The Riva
November 4, 2023 at 7:12 pm
Got any crack bozo? I mean bollas…