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Fall River Forever Paws Poundcake is a quiet girl who does her own thing



If you like a pet who doesn’t make a lot of noise or ruckus, then Fall River’s Forever Paws Pet of the Week is just for you.

Poundcake is a two-year-old Persian mix that has the marks of a classic Persian temperament. She’s a relatively quiet girl that likes to spend most of her time lounging around in the sun or on the windowsill to watch the world go by. She does well with other cats as far as coexisting with them. She prefers to do her own thing and let the other cats go about their business.

As sweet as she may look, Poundcake can be rather standoffish until you win her over. Even then, she’ll have her “diva” moments where she’ll suddenly decide that the way you’re petting her isn’t the CORRECT way and she’ll swat you and saunter off to her favorite sunny spot. She’s quite hissy at first and this scares a lot of people off from wanting to get to know her further. She likes to hang out high up on our catwalk and may not grace you with her presence the first time you come to see her.

You’re going to have to work to win the affections of this girl!

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