Fall River Flint Neighborhood Association makes new request to hold carnival this summer

The Flint Neighborhood Association of Fall River is once again attempting to hold a carnival in the city.
According to a letter submitted by Association President Carlos Cesar, at the monthly meeting held at the Fonseca Elementary School on April 27th, the Board of Directors of the Flint Neighborhood Association voted unanimously to submit a request to the Board of Park Commissioners asking for permission to use Kennedy Park for a carnival to be held from July 5th to July 10th.
Cesar stated that the Flint Neighborhood Association is making the request based on input from the community for family recreational opportunities and in light of the Association’s past successes with this type of venue.
The Flint Neighborhood Association has recently had their requests denied and in 2018 the festivities had to be canceled at the last minute due to logistics. Greater Fall River RE-CREATION did hold a carnival in 2019 at Lafayette Park.
To try to sway the board, Cesar pointed out what the carnival has done in the past for Fall River residents.
“The company that has conducted carnivals for the Association in the past has made significant contributions to the families and children of the community. As an example, the carnival company has provided free passes to the Association that we then distribute to needy families that could not otherwise afford to attend. The Association also prints over 15,000 coupons that are delivered to every school in Fall River providing every child an opportunity to enjoy the carnival and schedule times and dates that allows children to enjoy any ride as many times as they would like for a nominal fee.”
Cesar concluded by stating that the proceeds from the carnival enables the Flint Neighborhood Association to provide resources to the city of Fall River such as purchasing cameras for the Fall River Police Department as well as providing educational, cultural and recreational opportunities to city residents.
Bruce E Vincelette
May 25, 2022 at 3:26 pm
People in this failed city should not be spending money of carnivals. Carnivals are for dullards!