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Fall River establishment sells two big Massachusetts State Lottery Keno winners in one day



A Fall River business saw two big Keno winners in one day this weekend.

According to the Massachusetts State Lottery, the Italian Progressive Club in Fall River saw two winners of a sizeable amount on Saturday.

There was one Keno winner of $15,000 and another for $50,000.

The names of the winner(s) were not released.

How Keno works is you select from one to twelve numbers (spots) to play, and then select your numbers from 1-80 that correspond with how many numbers (spots) you want to play. You can select the numbers manually or choose Quic Pic for the Lottery computer to randomly select your numbers. Each number (spot) offers unique prizes and odds of winning. You then select how much you want to wager on each drawing from $1 to $20. For a chance to multiply your prizes up to 10 times, mark Keno Bonus to double the price of your wager. Keno Bonus is not available on the 10-Spot, 11-Spot, or 12-Spot.

Winning odds on the game range from 1 in 4 (matching 1 number in 1 spot game) to 1 in 478,261,833.14 (matching 12 numbers in 12 spot game) depending on which option(s) you select.

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