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Fall River dog found roaming alone in cemetery looking for forever home



Here’s Fall River Forever Paws pet of the week. It’s Tormund again because he’s gotten ZERO attention and they are not sure how because they say he is the perfect dog.

“Tormund is still here, still waiting for his forever home, still waiting for the perfect family to notice him and fall in love…because it is so, so easy to fall in love with him. Look at how beautiful his eyes are and tell me you aren’t already in love 🙄”

Here is a little bit about Tormund courtesy of Forever Paws.

Tormund is big. Massive, really. He’s about 130lbs and taller than most when he stands on his back legs. Being an Anatolian shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix, this is unsurprising, but it’s still a little daunting…until you get to know him. Since large breeds tend to mature more slowly, and Tormund is only a year old, he is the definition of big silly baby.

He loves to give you his paw and if you don’t take it in what he deems a reasonable amount of time, he’ll start to slap you with it. He also loves to lean all of his weight against you and be rubbed and scratched all over. He loves hugs. He loves to give kisses. He loves to just rest his head against you while you pet him and tell him how handsome he is and what a good boy he is. He’ll drink water and then immediately come over and put his head in your lap and soak you through. He’ll take treats from you so, so gently (his favorite treat is a McDonald’s chicken nugget). If you walk away from him, he’ll look at you with SO MUCH BETRAYAL you won’t even be able to live with yourself.

This poor boy was found wandering around all by himself in a cemetery. He’s clearly been let down by people at least once before. Forever Paws vows to NEVER allow that to happen again which is why they acknowledge that they may be a little picky when trying to find Tormund’s forever home.

He can be a little skittish with strangers (unsurprisingly) but once he knows you, he loves you. He is sweet and loving and loyal and everything that anyone could ever want in a dog.

FP is looking for someone with breed/similar breed experience that can handle the amount of physical and mental stimulation that Tormund requires. They are looking for someone with enough land and enough space to allow him to stretch his legs and run and bounce around like the puppy he is.

FP wont place him with cats or with small dogs or small children. Not because he’s ever shown any sort of aggression, but because his exuberance is endless, and he might accidentally squish them or knock them over. He would never do it on purpose, but he just hasn’t quite gotten a handle on his own size yet.

Tormund will be your shadow, your best friend, your companion and you will be his everything.

Even if you don’t think he’s right for you, even if you don’t think you know anyone that would be interested, share this article anyway. Let’s get this incredible boy into his forever home. The ONLY reason shelter staff haven’t physically fought over which one of us gets to take him home is because we know that none of us has the space that he needs to be who he is.

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