During press conference on Fall River’s Flint, Auchincloss responds on migrant and housing crisis

Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan hosted a press conference Tuesday in Fall River with Congressman Jake Auchincloss and other members of the state delegation regarding a CPA grant the city was recently awarded for the Flint neighborhood, but the migrant housing crisis dominated the conversation.
After brief statements made regarding the $1.6 million awarded to the city, Auchincloss called for questions from reporters. Fall River Reporter took the opportunity to ask about the recent disclosure by Senator Michael Rodrigues that the cost to house one migrant family with emergency housing was approximately $2500 per week and asked about the sustainability of the program. In a city where many people are struggling to find affordable housing Reporter also asked what the Congressman thinks the timeline looks like for migrants to transition from emergency housing to sustainable housing.

“Well the Statehouse and the Governor have made some pretty substantive changes to the shelter system and the timeline. On a Federal perspective, I would add two things. One, the state needs more housing period. Just a couple of months ago we passed in the house an expansion of the affordable housing tax credit that is an important way to stimulate more production of housing. Really that is the biggest challenge in Massachusetts. The lack of affordable housing period, regardless who’s living in it.”
Auchincloss went on to say:
“Congress needs to pass immigration reform. It’s Congress’ fault and Congress has not done so since I’ve been alive. I am a sponsor of both the Senate’s bipartisan border security deal, as well as the House’s version. Both of them entail significant compromises from Democrats and significant compromises from Republicans which we know is going to be required to get immigration reform. I continue to make that the number one thing that we have to do in Congress. In addition to funding Ukraine, securing the border and passing immigration reform.”
Listen to Congressman Auchincloss and his comments below:
Fed Up
March 27, 2024 at 11:00 am
Funding Illegals and Ukraine and Gaza aid and Israel are NOT in the best interests of American citizens. This is NOT sustainable
Free hotel rooms at $150+ a day.
Three meals a day at $64 per person per diem.
Free on-site medical & dental services (including condoms).
Special diet for Ramadan.
Free same-day dry cleaning w/free pick up & delivery.
Free housekeeping twice a week.
Free cell phones, chargers/charging ports.
Free tablets, IPads.
Free clothing, new & used.
Everyone got new free winter coat, gloves and shoes.
Free toiletries (tooth paste, deodorant, special “ethnic” shampoos, skin cream, aspirin, tooth brushes, feminine products).
Free diapers, wipes, diaper pails, cribs, bassinets, playpens, baby bottles, baby formulas, free car seats, free new mother bags, playrooms for young illegals w/free toys & books which must be replaced often because of destruction.
March 27, 2024 at 11:25 am
Remain in Mexico policy was working. 99% of these illegal border invaders are claiming false asylum. Most of these cases will not be heard before the decade is over. Joe Biden has the executive authority to stop this invasion. Makes one wonder of there are other matters at okay here?
Trump loves the poorly educated suckers.....
March 27, 2024 at 1:34 pm
We had a bipartisan conservative border patrol union endorsed border bill that Donald Trump told the clown car Congress to shoot down.
Johnson’s Johnson
March 27, 2024 at 6:07 pm
Mr 10% for the big guy on day one in office reversed all of the previous border policies via executive order. A simple stroke of his pen. Policies that were effective. Now we are to believe that he has no power over the current border crisis, and needs Congress to pass a bill? Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining. This border invasion is by design. Get as many in as possible, then add representatives. Eternal power for the left is their goal.
March 27, 2024 at 6:21 pm
Biden can put out an EO right now, congress doesn’t need to do a thing. Just stop with the TDS
March 27, 2024 at 9:24 pm
Auchincloss is the guy who is imploring your government to send another $200 billion to the black hole War in Ukraine!
Trump loves the poorly educated suckers.....
March 28, 2024 at 11:02 am
If Putin gets his way he’ll be attacking one of the NATO countries. Are you ready to grab your gun and go over there and fight? How much do you think that’s going to cost the US smart ass? Since you love Trump you must love Putin because they’re good fascist buddies.
March 29, 2024 at 12:45 am
We know how much you love the filthy pervert, Hunters Crack smoking partner Zelensky. Ukraine is a CIA deep State money laundering operation. Funny how you progressive Sycophants act like Ukraine is a fledgling democracy when in reality it is a haven for Nazis and white supremacists. You bolsheviks just won’t quit with your fantasies of dominating the Russian Diaspora. Now leave me alone and go away.
Johnson’s Johnson
March 28, 2024 at 12:00 pm
Odd that Putin didn’t invade any nation while Trump was in office. Yet the moment Biden takes over all out chaos in Ukraine.