
Contractor with history of accused larceny sentenced to prison in Fall River court for scamming family out of over $10,000



A 51-year-old man was convicted in Fall River District Court of scamming a Freetown family out of more than $10,000.

According to Gregg Miliote of the Bristol County District Attorney’s Office, Jeffrey Trifone was convicted by a Jury of Six of larceny over $250 in a case prosecuted by Assistant District Attorneys Nicole Cheney and Ameli Demilo.

On January 13, 2022, the victim went to the Freetown Police Department to report a past larceny. 

He explained that in March of 2021, he contacted a male named Jeffrey Trifone, of Pool Solutions, to install a swimming pool at his home.  They first spoke on the phone on or around March 19, 2021, to discuss the details of the work to be completed.  The victim stated that he had selected Trifone to install the swimming pool because other contractors told him there was over a year waitlist due to Covid, but Trifone said he could complete the work in a few months. 

At some point, Trifone picked up the victim and took him to different job sites to show work that he had allegedly completed on other swimming pools.  Trifone then met with the victim at his home on April 6, 2021, and executed a contract for a 16 X 32 kidney shaped in ground swimming pool, with a completion date of May-July 2021. 

The victim provided Trifone with a $12,000 check as a deposit, which was subsequently cashed.  The victim reported that after his check was cashed, Trifone stopped responding to calls and texts, no work was ever completed, no materials ordered or delivered to his home.  He tried to contact Trifone for several months with no response. 

After the conviction at trial, Judge David Sorrenti sentenced the defendant to serve two years in the Bristol County House of Corrections.

According to Boston 25, Trifone has a history of stealing people’s money.

“This defendant was contracted to install a pool but had no intention of ever doing the work.  He also has defrauded others who testified at the trial. I would like to commend the prosecution team for doing a very thorough and effective job in putting the case together. I hope the verdict gives the victim some consolation that the defendant was held accountable for his fraudulent representations and theft of $12,000,” District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III said.


  1. But still

    August 16, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    He’s still out 12k should have made him pay it off too

  2. MortisMaximus

    August 16, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    Guy deserves the death penalty. Thou shalt not steal, unless you’re a politician!

  3. Jake Perry

    August 17, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    Jeffrey Trifone, of Pool Solutions, ALWAYS remember him.

  4. Jake Perry

    August 17, 2024 at 5:50 pm

    Burn his ba lls.

  5. C beaupre

    August 18, 2024 at 7:11 am

    So he doesn’t have to pay back the money? How does that hill the poor victim? What happen to restitution?

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