City of Fall River hosting second drive-in movie at Durfee High School

(Fall River, MA- August 11th, 2020)- Following the success of the City of Fall River’s Drive-in viewing of Toy Story 4 last month, Mayor Paul E. Coogan and Greater Fall River Re-Creation have announced that another Drive-In Movie will be held at Durfee High School’s West Main Lot.
The admission cost is $5 per car.
It is expected, as in the previous drive-in, that the money raised will go back to Re-Creation to help offset the cost of the screen/licensing, according to the Mayor’s Office.
Guests should enter through the Ray Street gates, which will be opened at 7:30pm.
The show will begin after sundown, at approximately 8:30 p.m. on Friday, August 28th.
The movie being shown will be Disney Pixar’s Finding Dory.
Concessions will be available and a raffle prize drawing will be held.
Guests are encouraged to bring chairs or blankets so that they may view the movie from their designated socially distant parking spot.
Upon leaving the area allotted to their car, guests must wear masks and follow all COVID-19 safety protocols.
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