
City of Fall River announces new Director of Veterans Service, can identify with issues veterans face



The City of Fall River has announced the new Director of Veterans Service, Talos “Doc” Farris.

According to the City, Talos Farris originally of Atlanta, GA, has proudly served the military for 15 years, holding various leadership roles and specializing in administration, combat medicine, quality assurance, and process improvement. With a strong background in healthcare and business, “Doc” Farris also owns a successful federal government contracting business. Talos’s first permanent duty station was in Newport, RI. After 9-11, Talos received expedited orders to Camp Lejeune, in Jacksonville, NC.

While on active duty “Doc” served honorably with the U.S. Marine Corps as a Navy Hospital Corpsman; and earned the title “Doc.” During multiple deployments in support of Operations Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedom he acquired injuries that eventually led to the end of his military career in 2013. As a Global War on Terrorism veteran Talos Farris has also dealt with the trials and tribulations that many other veterans have had to handle as they transition back into society after combat.

Doc Farris also brings experience as a benefits advisor for the U.S. Navy and Kaiser Permanente to his role as the Veterans Services Officer to the City of Fall River. Passionate about supporting veterans, “Doc” Farris brings healthcare knowledge, personal experience, and a commitment to helping his fellow veterans navigate their unique challenges. Currently, President of the Student Veterans of America-Bristol Community College Chapter, this student-led organization is heavily involved in Fall River and surrounding communities. As the Director of Veterans Services, Talos Farris looks forward to serving the veterans community in Fall River with dedication and compassion.

The position has had a quick turnover as of late as Michelle Hamilton and Micaila Britto left after short stints to positions in other communities.


  1. Gary

    June 14, 2024 at 1:28 am

    Hopefully he will support getting this Hero Act Passed?
    A few crumbs for MA Veterans, how much for Obidens, and Healeys new Arrivals?
    MA ”Overburden Taxpayers” spending over a Billion a Year?

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    “HERO Act Veterans benefits and services bill will go before full state Senate” 06/2024

  2. Gary Dunn

    June 15, 2024 at 10:48 am

    I am so sick of this race card when Bill Clinton was the president never heard race as soon as Barack Obama was President the race card came back it is so sicking and sad everybody I talk to they feel the same way the media just keeps throwing the race card out there what a corrupted media we have

    • Ken Paiva

      June 15, 2024 at 10:54 am

      Who mentioned race concerning this article besides you?

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