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Burgo family does city proud representing Fall River on Family Feud, here’s how they did



A Fall River family did the city proud after playing one of the most famous game shows in the country.

The Burgo family had a great time on the Family Feud last year with the episodes airing on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

Siblings Adriana (Burgo) Lopez, Adriano Burgo Jr., Kevin Burgo, Natasha Burgo, and Chantel Lopez dominated 4-time champions, the Herbert family, on Monday’s airing, shutting them out. The Burgos then went on to easily win $20,000 during the fast money round.

On Tuesday’s episode, the Burgos were beaten out by the Rivers family.

Fall River Reporter interviewed Adriana prior to the episodes airing and she had this to say.

“My siblings and I auditioned for Family Feud in 2021, but because of Covid, we didn’t film the episodes until April of 2023. It was such a great experience. Everyone on the crew was so nice. They really cheer you on. They want everyone to win. We met some amazing people. The families that we were playing were so kind and funny.”

Lopez stated that filming lasted an hour and 45 minutes per episode for the half-hour show.

The family proudly represented Cape Verdeans and Fall River while in the spotlight answering survey questions from comedian and host Steve Harvey who Lopez had many positive things to say.

“He was very friendly. He loves to talk. He was very professional. He took the time to talk to each contestant, and even spoke to the audience in between tapings. He said that being on the Family Feud stage was the one place he could say whatever he wanted. His crew loved working with him. He definitely made the audience feel like they were part of the show. Most of our time on stage was talking to Steve and laughing at his jokes.”

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