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Bristol County woman who recently gave birth to quadruplets announces tragic passing of daughter



Photo courtesy of Ashley Ness

A Bristol County woman who had rare quadruplets has lost one of her babies.

In late July, Ashley Ness gave birth to two sets of twins at 28 weeks. Ness shared the tragic news on social media.

“My beautiful daughter, Chesley May, was called home to heaven after a courageous six months of life. Her passing leaves a huge emptiness in the hearts of all of us; her parents, her siblings, her family and the NICU team at Mass General Hospital.”

In October after overcoming many health obstacles, the three other infants, Chatham, Cheston, and Chance, came home.

When they were born, the 4 were very small and Chesley May was the smallest at 1 pound 7 ounces. Ness stated that “Chesley unfortunately had a lot of catching up to do, but that didn’t stop her. She fought through so many obstacles it was crazy, she was tiny but so mighty! She showed me the true meaning of being strong.”

Chesley suffered with severe chronic lung disease due to prematurity and being a multiple. According to Ness, who resides in Taunton, on December 28, she received a tracheostomy.

“I thought in my heart this was going to be her fix all. Despite the MGH staff telling me it will get worse before it gets better, I believed she was going to prove us all wrong. She did well for a little bit until she didn’t. She fought through infection after infection. She was truly getting tired, and I saw it in her last few days. She put up the biggest fight in the world to be here with all of us. On Feb 22, 2023, she just couldn’t do it anymore. My poor baby girl was extremely tired and struggling and it was the hardest thing I ever had to watch. I held her all day telling her how much I loved her and how proud of her I am. She truly was an amazing little girl and forever changed the way I look at things. She did exactly what she was sent to do and that was to touch everyone she met in her short but meaningful life!”

Ness remarked on how Chesley’s smile lit up the room and she left a mark on everyone that was lucky enough to meet her.

“Chelsey has shown me more about life, love and serenity than I ever knew. The memory of Chesley will live on in us forever. We will forever miss her laughing face, her funny little air leak sounds, and the sparkle in her big, beautiful eyes. We are so proud of her and know that she is at peace. We love you sweet Chesley May and will forever share your courageous legacy!”

Ashley and her boyfriend share 4 children between them. That was before the quadruplets arrived.

Due to the financial issues that have occurred with giving birth to 4 preemies, a GoFundMe fundraiser was created that has raised just over $30,000 as of this writing.



  1. MortisMaximus

    March 4, 2023 at 11:52 am

    Our hearts go out to all of you. Time moves slow when we are in it over our heads. God puts us into a time warp so that we may handle the heaviest burdens that life may bring. Amazing people become a part of our daily lives. Thank you God for this loving Grace. Embrace this family into your loving heart and shelter them from this tumultuous storm they have weathered. Praise be to Jesus the Messiah.

  2. Andrea

    March 5, 2023 at 8:36 am

    Soooo sorry for what must be a loss beyond compare. I’m truly grateful that you chose to share your story with us, both the upside and the heartache. While I do not know you personally, nor did I ever get the chance to meet beautiful Chesley May, I feel like she absolutely made a difference in many peoples lives. Just reading this made my heart truly hurt and tears stream down my face. Those chubby cheeks will definitely stick with me. You have so much on your plate but don’t be afraid to reach out, even just to talk. Sometimes having the Ear of someone new to talk to can make a big difference

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