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Boston, Bristol County, Massachusetts organizations receive $2 million for veteran services, suicide prevention



Boston, MA – The Executive Office of Veterans Services Wednesday announced $2 million in grant funding through the Veterans Community Initiative Grant program for 15 community organizations. Following recommendations from the Veterans Reintegration Advisory Committee (VRAC) report, this funding will support informal and formal peer support efforts as well as fund innovative programming to address suicide prevention in the veteran and servicemember community in Massachusetts. 

“We are wholeheartedly dedicated to empowering our servicemembers, veterans and their families with comprehensive support across Massachusetts, said Secretary Jon Santiago. “This funding strengthens the backbone of our veteran community by expanding crucial peer support networks and broadening our suicide prevention efforts, ensuring that we meet the evolving needs of our veterans with precision and compassion.” 

The VCI Grant will benefit 15 organizations that demonstrate innovative approaches to veteran services. The recipients are: 

The Veterans Reintegration Advisory Committee (VRAC), established through a legislative mandateconsists of private and nonprofit stakeholders addressing veterans’ mental health and suicideIn January 2024, VRAC released the report, “An Examination of Suicide Among Veterans and Their Reintegration into Society,” outlining a framework to reduce veteran suicide. 

The committee found that in Massachusetts, 1 in 9 suicides involved current or former military personnel, often impacted by mental health or substance use disorders, and more likely to attempt suicide by lethal means. Key strategies include systematic data collection, rapid access to treatment, investment in peer services, and comprehensive training for healthcare providers in military culture and suicide prevention. The VCI grants announced today aim to connect and support these efforts. 

For more information about the Veterans Community Initiative Grant and the projects it supports, please contact (857)-303-6051.



  1. Hi

    May 16, 2024 at 6:21 am

    Just remember that the people who fought for our freedoms only gets bare medium compared to the violent illegals we house daily. And then the city of fall river makes it illegal for american citizens to be homeless. Corruption at its finest

  2. So sad

    May 16, 2024 at 12:51 pm

    2 million? That’s it? For our veterans? Shame

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