As local florist sets to temporarily close due to COVID-19, owner donates flowers, vases to Fall River group home

A local florist has decided to temporarily close due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, however, the company is making sure their product will be put to good use.
Owner Jayne Collins of Rustic Floral Designs on State Road in Westport has decided to close for two weeks.
“Today I’m sad to announce that I will be closing for 2 weeks due to the COVID-19. It’s not easy to do this, but I want my employees and also my own family to be very safe and healthy.”
Collins decided to go out with a bang as she is donating both flowers and vases to a female group home in Fall River.
“I’m VERY HAPPY to share with you that I donated all of these flowers to the Deaconess Home in Fall River.”
The Fall River Deaconess Home is a private, non-profit, community-based agency offering residential education, group home services, and pre-independent living programs to young women ages 11-22, with an emphasis on family engagement and reunification. Some of the girls have families and some do not.
Collins was thrilled to be brightening the days and rooms of the girls at the home.
“These beautiful girls are going to make the best of their quarantine time together and make flower arrangements for their rooms, but you can’t do that without vases so I donated those too!”
Times are rough during this pandemic, but it is nice to see that it hasn’t stopped the generosity of some residents.
Local florist offering free flowers for prom to foster children.
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