After chase into apartments, Fall River man arrested on gun and other charges

Fall River police have arrested a city man after a chase that led into multiple apartments.
According to FRPD, Wednesday at approximately 1:00 pm, Uniform Division Officer Kiel Huard was dispatched to the 200 block of Harrison Street to look for 21 year old Jordan Branco who was wanted on a warrant and was now reported to be dressed in red and carrying a handgun. Officer Huard was assisted by Officer Christopher Rocha.
Upon Officer Huard’s’ arrival at the address on Harrison, Branco spotted him and took off running, entering a Harrison Street apartment building. Officer Huard gave chase and followed him into the building when he heard a lower level door slam shut. Now at that door, Officer Huard encountered a female who directed him to a neighboring apartment. At that moment Officer Huard heard the rear door in the female’s apartment slam shut. Fearing the armed male was entering innocent citizens apartments, Officer Huard entered the female’s apartment and exited the rear door to a common area. Upon entering the common area, Huard entered the next doorway and encountered Branco, now breathing heavily and sweating profusely. As Officer Huard was taking Branco into custody, a male entered the apartment and inquired as to why the male and police were in the apartment. Branco was removed from the apartment, but no firearm was found on his person. Officer Huard returned to the apartment where he was located and asked for consent to look for the firearm. The resident, fearing their children would discover the firearm, gave consent to Officer Huard. The firearm was not located in that apartment. Officer Huard returned to Branco and asked for the location of the firearm. Branco relented and informed Huard that he tossed the firearm on a bed in the first apartment he ran through. Huard returned to that apartment with street supervisor Sergeant James Thorpe and knocked on the door but got no response. Fearing someone was injured inside, police entered and no one was found. The apartment was secured and a search warrant was requested and approved by the court. Entry was made, a search commenced and the firearm was located in a bag of clothing. The female resident returned and explained that she observed the male throw the gun off the bed and moved it out of fear.
Branco was arrested and charged with:
• 2 counts of Breaking and Entering in the Daytime
• Possession of a Firearm w/o a License To Carry (LTC)
• Possession of a Firearm in Public w/o LTC
• Possession of a Firearm w/o LTC while loaded in Public and
• Threats to commit a crime (warrant)
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