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58-year-old Fall River man granted parole with conditions after city murder, robbery



A 58-year-old Fall River man has been granted parole with conditions after a city murder.

According to the Massachusetts Parole Board, on October 6, 1986, in Bristol Superior Court, John Swist pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder of John Michael, Jr. He was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after serving 15 years. He committed this murder while on parole from a (May 24, 1984) conviction for larceny from a person.

On the evening of June 26, 1985, John Swist, then 19, was walking down a main street in Fall River. Swist had just left a bar (after drinking extensively) and was approached by John Michael, age 33, in his car. Swist agreed to accompany Michael back to his apartment in Fall River, where they consumed more alcohol. The conversation, according to what Swist told his girlfriend, turned to homosexual activities. The men ended up in Michael’s bedroom, where Swist tied up Michael and then strangled him to death. Swist then ransacked the apartment, stole money and jewelry, and left the scene with Michael’s car. Days later, when Michael’s landlord went to collect overdue rent from another tenant, he found Michael’s door ajar. The landlord entered the apartment and found the decomposing body of the victim in the bedroom. Michael was naked and hog-tied. A ligature was found tightly tied around his neck.

In a conversation with his girlfriend, Swist indicated that he murdered Michael because he did not want Michael to be able to identify him [Swist]. He stated that “the last q**** that [Swist] rolled was able to do so.” Swist fled the state a few days after the discovery of the body. He was found in Chicago, where he was placed under arrest as he stepped off a bus. Swist was returned to Massachusetts, where he made statements to police that implicated him in the murder of John Michael.

Parole was denied following an initial hearing in 2000, and after review hearings in 2005, 2008, 2015, and 2020. On October 26, 2023, John Swist appeared before the Board for a review hearing. He was represented by Attorney Justin Drechsler. On January 4th, the Board issued its ruling.

In granting him parole with conditions, the Board mentioned that Swist has completed over 80 programs during his 38-year incarceration. He has been sober for 28 years. Swist has been involved in the school programs for the last ten years and has been employed as a clerk in the library since 2019. He has been disciplinary report free since 2007. Swist has engaged in educational opportunities and earned his bachelor’s degree. Swist has now engaged in Sex Offender Treatment programming, as had been recommended by the Board in its prior decisions. According to the Board, Swist has demonstrated a commitment to programming and addressed the concerns of the Board regarding his re-entry to the community.

The special conditions of Swist’s parole include: waive work for two weeks; must be home between 10.P.M. and 6.A.M. or at Parole Officer’s discretion; Electronic monitoring at Parole Officer’s discretion; Supervise for drugs, testing in accordance with Agency policy; Supervise for liquor abstinence, testing in accordance with Agency policy; Report to assigned Massachusetts Parole Office on day of release; No contact with victim’s family; Must have substance abuse evaluation and must comply with recommended treatment plan; Must have mental health counseling for transitional purposes and major depressive disorder; CRJ program.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Dr David

    January 6, 2024 at 10:10 pm

    He will rape and/or kill a female with 18 months of his parole. With crimes like this it is a primordial urge, in their blood … you have to lock em up for life.

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