41 new residential units eyed in two separate Fall River development projects

Two projects would add over 40 new units to the city of Fall River if approved.
At the Thursday, February 15th, City of Fall River Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, Hyde Development LLC represented by Atty. Thomas P. Killoran seeks to convert the existing structure at 75 Fifth Street into 27 residential units. The applicant seeks a Special Permit to reduce the number of parking spaces, waive applicable setback requirements (front, side, and rear yard), and to allow multi-family use in an AOD (Arts Overlay) District. The property is located in a CBD (Central Business) Zoning District and an AOD (Arts Overlay) District.
According to a corporate database, Hyde Development LLC’s agent is Somerset’s Kenneth Mollicone.
Also, at the upcoming meeting, Rodman Enterprises LLC seeks a Variance to demolish the existing garages at 771 Rodman Street and construct four townhouse style apartment buildings, containing a total of 14 units: two four-unit buildings and two three-unit buildings. Waiving yard setback and lot coverage in an A-2 (Apartment) Zoning District.
The proposals come on the heels of over 850 units getting Zoning Board approval for variances and special permits in September.
Nicholas John Andrade
January 26, 2024 at 4:29 pm
As long as they keep the combat veterans out of the apartments.
Ken Masson
January 29, 2024 at 9:07 am
I love our veterans and I give to multiple veterans charities every year but Fall River has a problem that most of the old tenements have no room for parking making the street the only place to park and with multiple two car families it’s even worse now. Almost every development wants a variance for parking. It could be a matter of one less unit but parking should be required for any new development. Oh and only one of the developments that was proposed was for veterans and not everyone.
January 26, 2024 at 8:37 pm
The apartments that were rejected permits were for all veterans, not just combat veterans. In your mind is a veteran that wasn’t in combat worth less that a combat veteran? Are the only heroes the ones that don’t get captured or killed? Fuck off.
Enough is too much
January 27, 2024 at 10:55 am
How about giving all of them for free to illegal immigrants. They are the real heroes. 🖕🏼