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37-year-old Fall River man sentenced to prison for raping girl three times in one night



A 37-year-old Fall River man was sentenced to state prison yesterday after being convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl three times in one night, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III announced.

Arnold Thompson pleaded guilty in Fall River Superior Court to indictments charging him with rape of a child with force and rape of a child by a previously convicted offender.

The 14-year-old victim first reported to her mother that she was raped by the defendant when she was in Fall River visiting her friend at the Cardinal Medeiros Towers. The victim would come to Fall River to visit her friend, who had a learning disability, and help her around her apartment with chores. On December 13, 2020, the victim was at her friend’s apartment when the defendant, who also lived in the building, came over. During the night, he woke the victim up and raped her three times before morning.

Thompson was sentenced to serve 15 to 20 years in state prison.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney MaryClare Flynn and the state prison sentence was imposed by Judge Sharon Donatelle. In addition to the state prison sentence, the defendant will also be placed on an additional 10 years of supervised probation after he is eventually released from prison.

The special conditions of probation are:

Shall attend sex offender treatment at his own expense as directed by the Probation Officer and as ordered by the court, at a program approved by the Probation Department, and shall remain in treatment unless and until professionally discharged by the approved sex offender therapist.

Shall provide the Probation Department with signed releases as to any therapy/treatment he attends throughout the term of Probation.

Shall not reside in a household with minor children.

Shall have no unsupervised contact with minor children.

Shall have no supervised contact with minor children unless and until the supervisor has been approved in advance by the Probation Officer and informed by Probation Officer of the offense for which the defendant is on probation and of any other sexual offense for which the defendant has been found guilty.
The defendant shall not be employed in a job that puts him into contact with minor children on a regular basis and all employment must be approved in advance by the Probation Officer.

Shall not perform volunteer activities that put him into contact with children on a regular basis and all volunteer activities must be approved in advance by the Probation Officer.

Shall not date any parent of a minor child without permission from the Probation Officer and, if permission is granted, said individual must be informed by the Probation Officer of the offense for which the defendant is on probation and of any other sexual offense for which the defendant has been found guilty.

Shall comply with his legal obligations to register with the Sex Offender Registry Board.

Shall be subject to GPS monitoring as required by statute for the entirety of his probation sentence with exclusion zones as to the victim when she is in Massachusetts, and agrees that the exclusion zones for GPS may be altered as deemed appropriate by probation.

Shall have no contact, directly or indirectly with the complainant (commencing immediately).

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