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10 Massachusetts middle school students sickened after participating in social media challenge



Robert Adams Middle School courtesy of Holliston Public Schools

Despite the product being discontinued, a group of Massachusetts middle school students were sickened earlier this week after participating in a social media challenge involving an extremely spicey chip.

According to Principal David Jordan, during the 7th grade lunch at Robert Adams Middle School in Holliston, a group of approximately ten students participated in the “One Chip Challenge”. This was discovered immediately due to the physical distress the chip created for all of the students involved. All students who ate or touched the chip were monitored by the nursing staff and picked up by their families immediately. It was recommended by the nurse that the students go to the emergency room.

The product has since been pulled from the store shelves after a Massachusetts teen possibly died due to participating in the challenge. Paqui, the chip used in the challenge, contains very high levels of capsaicin, which has been found to cause esophageal damage, heart problems, and restrict breathing at the levels in the chip. Blue tinged vomiting and severe abdominal pain have also been listed as possible side effects.

Jordan expressed his concern over students participating in dangerous social media challenges.

“The “One Chip Challenge” is another example of one of the highly risky, and sometimes life threatening, Tik Tok challenges that middle schoolers are particularly vulnerable to participating in due to their age-related development and interests. I ask that all families please speak to their children about the risks of “challenges” of this nature and be aware that your child may have or may be considering participating in a challenge such as this. Lastly, this is a plea to monitor your students’ social media presence. I would highly discourage your student from having a Tik Tok, SnapChat, or similar social media account, due to the increasing amount of unsafe challenges that our youth are being exposed to. Student safety is of our utmost concern at Holliston Public Schools.”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Jake Perry

    September 16, 2023 at 11:20 am

    Stupid is as stupid does!

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