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Waterfront Art & Music Festival coming to Fall River



With all the buzz for events on the waterfront, Creative Arts Network Inc. is listening.

Creative Arts Network Inc., (C.A.N.) kicks off the summer season with the 2nd Annual Waterfront Art & Music Festival at Heritage State Park.

Throughout the day you will enjoy live bands with a variety of music starting with Louie Leeman & Cheap Sneakers playing fun festival music, Island Sensations’ Island Boys Steelpan Calypso Band, just the kind of music to put you in that summer party mood. Back In The Day, will play two sets with their wide range of music from Styx, Loverboy, Van Halen, Journey, Cheap trick, and Bon Jovi tribute band.

Some of the other events featured are BLC Trio, magic shows, balloon artist with giant bubbles with Vinnie Lovegrove,  giant puppets “Bubbles the Fish”, “Jasper King of the Rag Dolls”, and “Hodge Podge” as well as story time with Belle.

In addition to all of this there will be artist vendors set up with a variety of artisans.

Food will also be available.

So, mark your calendars, pack a picnic and don’t forget your chair and blankets for a family friendly day of entertainment on the waterfront at DCR, Fall River Heritage Sate Park.

The festival will take place on June 23rd and will run from 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. rain or shine and is free and open to the public.

Here is the event schedule:

Lou Leeman and Cheap Sneakers

Vinny Lovegrove’s Giant Puppet/BLC Trio

2:30 – 4:00
Island Sensations’ Island Boys Steelpan Calypso Band

Vinny Lovegrove’s Giant Puppet & Bubbles

Back In The Day

Vinny Lovegrove’s Giant Puppet/story time with Belle

Back In The Day


Contact Creative Arts Network, C.A.N. at 508-673-2939 with any questions.

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