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Report: Comcast data cap fees to be pushed back



Comcast will still be having a data cap on home internet starting this year in several states, including Massachusetts, but there appears to be a slight change.

Starting this month, Comcast began having their 1.2 Terabyte (1,229 GB) Internet Data Usage Plan automatically included with Xfinity Internet.

According to Comcast’s website, customers not on an unlimited data plan who exceed 1.2 TB in a month will have a one-time courtesy month credit under the plan applied to their accounts, and will be responsible for any data overage changes after that. Blocks of 50 GB will automatically be added to customers’ accounts for an additional fee of $10 each plus tax. Charges will not exceed $100 each month, no matter how much data a customer uses. States that are included in the change are CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, parts of NC, NY, parts of OH, PA, VA, VT, WV, and the District of Columbia.

As warnings began to be sent this month to customers who were exceeding the cap, consumers in the above markets were instructed that beginning in March, the fees would be in place after having January and February to understand how the new 1.2 TB Internet Data Plan affects them without additional charges. However, according to Boston 25 News, a Comcast spokesperson has stated that the fees will now be instituted in August instead of March for Massachusetts.

Comcast states that currently, only about 5% of customers use 1.2 terabytes a month.

Comcast to institute several price increases in January

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Mitzy Skritzy

    January 28, 2021 at 12:29 pm

    Seize he assets of comcast in Fall River, and cut the price 80% for everyone!

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