Proponents against Brayton Point secure salt, scrap metal suspension at Zoning Board of Appeals

Proponents against the activities taking place at the Brayton Point site in Somerset secured a victory on Thursday.
Kathleen Souza and Nancy Thomas, both of Somerset and from the group Save Brayton Point, petitioned the Zoning Board of Appeals in last night’s meeting to appeal the decisions of the Building Inspector in August in regards to the complaints filed regarding non–containment of dust on the property and uncovered trucks transporting scrap metal.
Both were violations of the ZBA orders and conditions agreed to by Brayton Point LLC.
Souza and Thomas provided proof to the Board that salt and scrap metal trucks on the site failed to contain the dust.
ZBA member Joe Fingliss was adamant that the evidence provided by Souza and Thomas supported their claims of the violations.
The ruling resulted in the ZBA creating a motion which suspended all operations concerning scrap metal and salt at the Brayton Point site effective immediately until a dust mitigation plan is created by Brayton Point LLC to satisfy the building inspector that the violations will not reoccur. Storage, handling, and transport of the scrap metal and salt were included in the motion.
Thomas was happy with the decision, but made it clear that the group’s opposition will continue.
“I am grateful for the Somerset Zoning Board’s decision tonight. After a year and a half of documenting repeated violations by Eastern Metals Recycling at Brayton Point Commerce Center, we will finally have some relief from the dust, noise and trucks. We know this is only one small victory, but we will continue our fight for clean air and water in Brayton Point for as long as it takes.”
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