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Police: Sex offender arrested for obstruction concerning police search for missing 10-year-old girl



Colonel Michael J. Winquist, Chief of the Cranston Police Department, announces the arrest of a man for obstructing detectives in the investigation of a missing 10 year old juvenile.

Aaron Reed, age 31, of 18 Sylvian Street, Central Falls, RI was charged with Obstruction of an Officer in the Execution of Duty, as a result of providing false information to Cranston Police Detectives while an intense search was ongoing.

On January 14, 2020, Cranston Police were conducting an investigation into a missing juvenile. The juvenile was missing from the Pontiac Avenue area of Cranston. The investigation led detectives to a person identified as Aaron Reed who was a person of interest based on evidence that was discovered by the Cranston Police. A search determined that Reed was believed to be in the Central Falls area. Central Falls Police were contacted and were provided the identity of Reed. He was located in the Sylvian Street area of Central Falls and he was detained. Cranston Police detectives then made contact with Reed over the course of the search which lasted until late in the day on January 15th. Reed made false statements to Cranston Police that hampered the search and the location of the missing juvenile. The juvenile was located unharmed late in the day on January 15th and was transported to Hasbro Children’s Hospital for evaluation, which is customary in all cases.

This case was investigated with the assistance of RI Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) and the Central Falls Police Department. At this time there are no further charges anticipated by the Cranston Police Department and the missing juvenile was a willing participant as she ran away. Reed was charged with the Obstruction and is being held as a probation violator for a Simple Assault charge and will be due back in District Court on January 30, 2020.

Aaron Reed is also under investigation, as a result of this recent investigation, by the Central Falls Police Department for two charges identified as: Failure to Register as a Sex Offender and Knowingly Residing within Three Hundred Feet (300′) of a School. These charges will be brought by the Central Falls Police.

“Every second that goes by is filled with extreme worry, anguish and the unknown by loved ones. This is a stark reminder to anyone who has critical information and misleads the police in the search of a missing person that you will be charged. This investigation could have been ended much sooner if Mr. Reed didn’t lie and provide false information to investigators, as a result he is being charged appropriately,” said Colonel Michael Winquist.

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