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OPINION: It’s Time to Take Back Fall River



The following was submitted to us by Collin Dias. Have an essay you’d like to share? email 

Hello Fall River,

I’m sure everyone knows by now that Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II has been charged with 13 federal indictments for purposely misleading investors, stealing investor money, and for trying to cover it all up for filing false tax returns. Ever since the Mayor’s infamous arrest, Fall River City Government has been turned into a circus. The Mayor has developed an authoritarian like attitude. He has called the investigation/charges against him a “witch hunt”, he has attacked the media and reporters personally by name, has arrogantly refused to resign, has sent his family and close supporters to undermine our peaceful recall initiative against him both online and in person, and finally has instructed the corporation counsel to send cease and desist letters to our recall movement even though arguably no crime was committed, for a logo that is paid for by the residents of our city. That right there is evil in itself.

I support the recall movement to remove Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II not because I am placing myself before my city, because I want to be selfless and place what’s best for my city at this point, before myself. What is best for my city is to remove Mayor Jasiel Correia and to replace him with someone who can steer our city towards its promising future, without distraction. How can a mayor lead a city of around 90,000 residents and a multi-million dollar budget when faced with the indictments he is facing? If Mayor Correia were the boss of a major corporation (God forbid), he would have been forced to take a leave of absence at the very least, if not fully removed. The national news stories and the multiple (in city hall) interviews and press conferences regarding SnoOwl proves the Mayor’s attention is not fully on the city he claims he loves. His attention is and has always been on himself and his demeanor proves that. Jasiel Correia could give a hoot shoot about Fall River.

The Mayors Chief of Staff Gen Andrade was subpoenaed by authorities to testify in court possibly against the Mayor. She is a witness in this ongoing legal struggle. Other possible witnesses are longtime best friend of the Mayor and former SnoOwl employee Director of Cemeteries and Trees Chris Parayno and former SnoOwl investor BCTC employee Hildergrad Camara. Three municipal employees can now no longer have any contact with Mayor Correia as this legal battle goes on. Will even more municipal employees get subpoenaed? Mayor Correia has even been seen on camera with someone who looks like Gen Andrade after she was subpoenaed. Wasn’t she on sick leave? If Mayor Correia is in contact with his chief of staff then arguably he is violating his bail release conditions and therefore he should be arrested Immediately.

It is time we Take Back Fall River. Our city has too great of a future to allow this to happen. I ask my fellow registered voters in this city to sign the recall petition and then to vote yes on the Recall of Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II.

Thank you very much,

Collin Dias



  1. J.R. Cups

    November 12, 2018 at 5:26 pm

    Colon Dias, would you please stop trying to incite an air of complete emergency amongst the zombies of Greater Fall River! Your pathetic attempt to bring down the elected mayor of our city is in fact the only distraction from the great things happening in Fall River. You are like an itch that won’t go away, mildly irritating but of no immediate harm.
    Come back to us when you have something of value to give the city instead of your teenage temper tantrum.

    Repectfully; A city resident, with real skin in the game!

    • Shen Tru

      November 12, 2018 at 6:14 pm

      REELECTION of our mayor looks very promising everytime he wants to become famous on the behalf of his SHENANIGAN uncle. Instead of telling everyone to TAKE BACK FALL RIVER, how about this idea for a change. TAKE BACK YOUR UNCLE’S PURPLE BAGS because they’re a waste of taxpayer’s money and only contributing to our landfill MOUNT TRASHMORE!!?

  2. José Cabral

    November 14, 2018 at 10:36 pm

    To bad you let others use you as puppet, or you must be out of your mind young man, grow up and know tgat what you seed today you will reap tomorrow…Fall River and Mayor Jasiel are doing great with your maniacs ideas and your evil intentions…
    Very sad and sick people…

  3. E.r.m

    November 16, 2018 at 8:02 am

    Iam sure u must be told to keep on saying the same thing over and over.what u are doing young man is destroying our City Of Fall River .reminding people over and over again.u alredy have all the signatures!! Stop with the bull shit and tell the Evil behind u that God is great and he is going to stay!cus he is the best.Mayor we ever had.grow up .

  4. Escolastica Moniz

    November 16, 2018 at 8:07 am

    Iam sure u must be told to keep on saying the same thing over and over.what u are doing young man is destroying our City Of Fall River .reminding people over and over again.u alredy have all the signatures!! Stop with the bull shit and tell the Evil behind u that God is great and he is going to stay!cus he is the best.Mayor we ever had.grow up .

  5. Michael DiGregorio

    November 25, 2018 at 6:18 pm

    I believe it is the authors right to exercise his opinion regardless of his relationship with a former Mayor. It is refreshing to see citizen input concerning local issues. What our current Mayor is being accused of is grounds to step aside even if it was to be a temporary situation. Mayor Correira has shown an unwillingness to step aside or resign due to stubbornness even as he is facing several federal charges levied upon him. How can we trust a man that has shown a propensity for illegal activities and abuse of power as he has shown?

    Our former Mayor was recalled over purple trash bags and brandishing a weapon in front of a former council member that was looking to climb both the corporate and city political ladder using investor funds. He accused former Mayor Flanagan of intimidation, yet the current mayor has defrauded his own investors and is making our city look foolish currently. Sorry, but a recall is necessary and karma can come back to bite. Mayor Correira is not above the law. No person should be.

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