MSP VFAS arrests driver of truck involved in fatal NH crash that claimed lives of seven motorcyclists

The man involved in the tragic fatal crash of 7 motorcyclists has been arrested.
The Massachusetts State Police Violent Fugitive Apprehension Section, in assistance to New Hampshire State Police, at approximately 8 a.m. this morning arrested VOLODYMYR ZHUKOVSKY, 23, at his residence at 90 Newbridge Street, West Springfield. ZHUKOVSKY was the driver of the truck involved in the fatal accident on Friday, June 21, 2019 in Randolph, New Hampshire that killed seven motorcyclists.
MSP Troopers apprehended him on a charge as a fugitive from justice, which stems from a NH arrest warrant issued earlier today charging him with seven counts of negligent homicide. MSP VFAS Troopers also located in the defendant’s residence wax packets containing a residue suspected of being heroin. The residue will be tested at the MSP lab and if positive for an illegal narcotic, ZHUKOVSKY will be charged additionally with that.
At this time he is charged only as a fugitive from justice. ZHUKOVSKY is expected to be arraigned on the fugitive from justice charge this afternoon in Springfield District Court.
A Gofundme page has been established to support the surviving victims and their families. The page has raised almost $350,000 dollars at the time of this writing.
Arnold Stenborg
June 25, 2019 at 6:11 pm
Nobody seems to want to comment on how he managed to leave the scene of the accident. Certainly not in that truck he was driving. Is it a big secret? He didn’t walk either. Who aided him with the ride?