
Mayor Coogan issues statement after complaints issued concerning Fall River fireworks display



Mayor Paul Coogan has released a statement after complaints by residents concerning the City’s fireworks display.

The statement reads as follows:

“People would have to move around with me to know how much I love this city. On Tuesday, we were able to hold a three-site event with multiple moving parts as soon as the rain cleared up. I know that it is the opinion of some that we should have rescheduled on the 4th, but we would have had the same struggle, unfortunately, that New Bedford and Newport faced last night with the fog.

“Vendors and other key players in this event such as public safety & medical personnel, and more worked hard to prepare for the Fourth of July Celebration, and postponing would mean, only fireworks and no celebration. Unfortunately, the weather made the decision difficult, but we ultimately decided to have the event so people could enjoy some food, music, and activities. It was good fun, and thousands of people showed up to enjoy the activities along the waterfront.

“To say thank you to the key contributors is not adequate for all the effort they put in, but here goes. A special thank you to the FRPD, FRFD, EMS, EMA, DCM, RDA, Mass DCR, Parks Dept., 215th Army Band, and 101st Field Artillery Regiment. Thanks also to Samantha Barbosa, Events Coordinator, and Olivia Peixoto, Special Projects Coordinator. Also, thank you to the vendors and residents that made the celebration special despite the weather. Thanks! Love you guys.”


  1. RedPilled

    July 7, 2023 at 7:14 am

    Speaks and makes decisions like a true politician. I’m surprised he didn’t blame the crappy display on climate change

  2. Kris

    July 7, 2023 at 11:16 am

    This guy is a joke regardless. This city is falling apart and he’s explaining about the decision about when to have fireworks. How about you explain why the roads all over the city are caving in and why a certain company is still contracted to do work all over the city and they are destroying it! Jasiel may have been shady with money dealings but at least the city and residents were happy and taken care of.

    • William

      July 7, 2023 at 4:06 pm

      I see freshly paved streets getting dug up. Who’s allowing are Tax dollars to be wasted!!

      • Jake Perry

        July 8, 2023 at 7:50 am

        It’s “OUR” not “ARE”. I guess you are a product of the Fall River school system.

    • Jake Perry

      July 8, 2023 at 7:55 am

      Shady??? Really??? In April 2022, Correia began his six-year sentence for wire fraud, extortion conspiracy, and extortion. The charge of being shady was dismissed.

  3. Lord of Land

    July 7, 2023 at 11:17 am

    Thank you to all of the people that were paid, many of them overtime rates, for working this event!

  4. Twitwanger

    July 7, 2023 at 1:35 pm

    Be careful what you wish for in a mayor. At the end of the day it is a paycheck. Public Service doesn’t involve a paycheck. Why would anyone want to be a political leader besides the paycheck? Remove the pay and the mayors position could be filled by volunteers. Eight volunteers contributing five hours per week and the job is done. Why does the mayor’s position allow the hiring of friends and supporters? Any hiring should be done by a qualified human resource manager. Fall Rivers collapse has just begun. People from outside the city are coming to Fall River with section 8 certificates, driving up rents and contributing to the atrophy of the work force. Fall River cannot flourish without manufacturing jobs as it has through it’s history. A population beholden to government handouts is a plantation. Democrats have run Massachusetts rich history into a total government debacle. Billions of dollars of taxpayer monies have been squandered. Keep voting in progressive liberals without any real life economic experience but instead philosophical Ideals taught by liberal professors whose only real concern is tenure. Rant over for now!

    • William

      July 7, 2023 at 4:01 pm

      We just had 8 years of a Republican governor. I would have voted for him if he had run. I’m a Democrat, no state or government is perfect. I’m glad to live in this state over other states that encourage bitterness and hate. When Baker was governor he never displayed any of the things displayed by other Republican leaders. So the state of Massachusetts happens to be one of the best states. We choose leaders by merit, not party. If things were so bad in this state Republicans would win more.

      • Twitwanger

        July 7, 2023 at 10:45 pm

        Charlie Baker called himself a Republican and apparently you fell for the hoax. You talk about Republican leaders but fail to mention any. We live under the rule of a uniparty system whose members are hellbent on dividing Americans in order to maintain control of a massive financial windfall stolen from producers. I would guess you have a low political IQ from the fact you mention merit. We do not live in a meritocracy especially where Democrats are in control. Look at the Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action. The 2020 election was stolen from the American people in order that progressive Democrat Socialists would turn America into a Democrat utopian shangri-la. Inevitably communistic socialism is a direct pathway to fascism. All power rest with the State and their steroid head acolytes who will enforce any order regardless of the consequences.

        And you state; ” When Baker was governor he never displayed any of the things displayed by other Republican leaders”. News Alert; Charlie Baker is not a Republican, he is a Neo-Con RINO. Massachusetts is run by rabid Democrat Socialists, to believe anything else shows a complete failure of observational analysis. Put a little more thought into your comments…

      • Twitwanger

        July 7, 2023 at 10:50 pm

        Some of the great work done by the Baker administration heralded by political commentator William.

  5. Lu Silvia

    July 7, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    We are turning into a society of communist whiner’s, damned if you do damned if you don’t. Dump the communist attitude of privilege already people.

  6. William

    July 7, 2023 at 3:49 pm

    This guy is hopeless. I can’t wait to vote for Sam Sutter. At least he has a brain. Coogan never seems to be on top of things. He got lucky when he got elected.

  7. Xazzo

    July 7, 2023 at 6:23 pm

    As much as I think Coogan is Biden-Lite I’ll take him over Sam Sutter.

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