
Massachusetts town issues punishment for resident projecting Trump sign on town property, outline’s how it will cost the town



Photo courtesy of New Bedford Guide

A Massachusetts town has responded after it was discovered that someone was projecting a political advertisement on town property.

The following is a statement from Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green:

“On Friday, Oct. 11, the Town of Hanson became aware that a resident was projecting the image of a political sign from their property onto the Town of Hanson municipal water tower at 228 High St.This misleads the public into believing that this activity is sanctioned by or condoned by the Town.

As a governmental entity, the Town of Hanson does not endorse candidates for any office from any political party, nor does the Town allow political signs to be displayed on municipal property.

The Town of Hanson’s Sign Regulations, which can be viewed here, contain language that makes this individual’s actions a violation of Town bylaws. The Town is working on a Cease and Desist order to present to the resident.

The Town intends to issue the maximum fine of $100 per day until the activity is discontinued.

Highway Department employees have positioned a spotlight to shine on the water tower to dim the projection. Further measures are being considered at this time.

This individual’s actions have the potential to cost a significant amount of taxpayer dollars, including attorney fees, overtime to pay Highway Department workers to turn the spotlight on and off each day, and the potential for having to rent or purchase stronger lighting equipment. The $100 per day fine will likely not cover these expenses.

The Town of Hanson respects the free speech rights of all residents, and the right of all residents to express their political views, but not on Town property or in a manner that makes it appear that the Town of Hanson is endorsing any political candidate.”

The name of the resident was not released.


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