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Massachusetts State Rep. announces with disappointment that facility chosen for new 450-person overflow shelter



A Massachusetts State Rep. has announced that a former prison is set to become an emergency homeless shelter.

In a letter to Norfolk Residents, Marcus Vaughn announced that Norfolk has been chosen as the next site for an overflow shelter, a decision he said he received with deep disappointment Friday afternoon.

Vaughn stated that he firmly believes in transparency and shared the following information. 

“In response to mounting concerns regarding migrant families at Logan Airport, Governor Healey has decided to designate Bay State Correctional Center as the next overflow shelter location. Although efforts will be made to transform the facility into a welcoming space, the prospect of accommodating around 450 individuals comprising 150 families is a stark reality we must confront. The anticipated move is set for mid-June. When I asked for a timeframe for the site to remain online, I was told that because the state owns the facility there are no timelines on taking the facility offline.”

Bay State Correctional Center was a medium security prison that closed in 2015 to save money.

Vaughn expressed concern over the strain that will occur on school systems in Norfolk and stated it will likely impact public safety infrastructure.

“While assurances were given regarding on-site security, I intend to meet with Chief Heinz to explore avenues to mitigate the burden on our town’s public safety departments. “

Vaughn mentioned in the letter that he conveyed the concerns about reimbursement to the Govenor’s office, who assured him of ongoing dialogue with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 

“Norfolk, as a small community, faces an unprecedented challenge with this decision. I share in your disappointment. However, I received assurances that our office, alongside town and school officials, will be regularly updated. Rest assured, we are committed to providing timely updates as we navigate this situation together.”

According to Boston 25 News, “the site will be set up with play areas for children, as well as classroom spaces for adults to engage in activities that support pathways to stability such as ESOL classes, job training courses, and housing search workshops.”



  1. P. A. Faiel

    May 12, 2024 at 6:26 am

    When are the people going to force the repeal of the idiotic law Right to Shelter that has resulted in billions of dollars be spent on tens of thousands of undocumented families taking up residences in the state severely impairing local and state governments providing services payed for by resident tax payers.

    • Joanne

      May 12, 2024 at 11:54 am

      Keep voting for these idiots . Glad I moved to Florida!

  2. Fed Up

    May 12, 2024 at 8:04 am

    What a complete and utter disaster. Remember they were bemoaning kids in cages now they’re in prisons now sleepy Norfolk has to deal with the consequences of the ” no human is illegal ” crowd. Need anymore proof Healey is incompetent

    • R. J.

      May 12, 2024 at 9:16 am

      Blame Trump for not building the wall.
      Then blame the Republicans for shipping these families all over the country.

      • Fed Up

        May 12, 2024 at 9:38 am

        Blame them ALL for not doing their f*cking jobs. They’re all useless

      • Ezekial

        May 12, 2024 at 9:48 am

        Wrong. We are only in this predicament because Biden stripped the protections we had under Trump and practically begged them to come through his wide-open borders and then you have Governors like Maura Healey put up billboards in Texas telling illegals that Massachusetts will welcome them.
        All the while lying to the public by insisting our border is closed, there is no crisis. You can’t change history by denying it.

        • Joanne

          May 12, 2024 at 11:59 am

          Yup, now keep voting thes idiots in.. why not keep borders open indefinitely then you can give all illegals your home too!! DJT had it right.. Brandon cancelled and opened the borders to who knows who and stopped the continuation of the wall!! Glad I left MA!!

        • Matthew Chao

          May 12, 2024 at 2:06 pm

          No it’s because House Republicans did a “trump (Simon) says and voted against the bipartisan immigration bill sent to them from the Senate. They care more themselves than they care about the country. Selfish and the Party of No!

          • Enrica

            May 12, 2024 at 7:37 pm

            You are what’s wrong with the world!

          • Thomas M

            May 13, 2024 at 6:53 am

            They voted against it because the bill tried to pay with other riders. Like giving billions away to others countries. If a real bill was presented to just correct the boarder issues it most likely would pass.

        • Craig James

          May 12, 2024 at 10:47 pm


      • Donald Dubreuil

        May 12, 2024 at 11:13 am

        How do you blame Trump when Biden wrote 56 executive orders to stop the wal and open the borders!

        • Sue

          May 14, 2024 at 4:52 pm

          Spot on
          But some cannot comprehend
          So they keep chattering the Biden party line

      • James Mercogliano

        May 12, 2024 at 11:23 am

        No RJ Blame the modern day Democrat party and all the clowns that call themselves progressive for this mess Donald Trump had a lot of the wall built even though the clowns that call themselve’s Democrats tried there best to stop Him. The only good thing that can happen in the next presidential elecion is that we have the chance to reelect Donald Trump as President and then he will stop all this illegal alien nonsense and finish the border Wall.

      • Al

        May 12, 2024 at 12:37 pm

        You have it all wrong, get educated it was Biden and his handlers and the Dems that started all this.

        • Brian Coppola

          May 12, 2024 at 8:59 pm

          Also blame the republicans who had an opportunity to pass a bipartisan immigration reform bill that would control the southern borders for not following through and caving into their god, Donald J. Trump. According to CTD (Christian Trump Doctrine), you must learn how to pressure people into the Trump doctrine by his chief truth Make America Great again and elections are rigged and fraudulent. Once that is learned the sacraments of communion and confirmation are made by causing an insurrection and that all prosecutions are witch hunts. Thus they are trying to score political points by not passing the bipartisan border control bill.

      • MistyJ

        May 12, 2024 at 1:03 pm

        Are you seriously that clueless?? Until you can grow up and behave like an adult and state some facts instead of outright uneducated lies, why don’t you take a seat little boy!!

      • Richard Remieres

        May 12, 2024 at 4:47 pm

        Trump had NOTHING to do with it. It’s been all the libs.

      • Lee

        May 13, 2024 at 8:08 am

        Blame BIDEN & CREW for letting in more illegal aliens then any president. They think that as long as the treat them better then us hard working, tax paying Americans,those people will vote for them .of course, come on in EVERYTHING IS FREE IF AND ONLY IF you never paid a dime in taxes

  3. joseph meloni

    May 12, 2024 at 10:12 am

    time to get rid of healey and woowoo,they are destroying the state and cty,we knew this was going to happen,Spend our tax money,they are racist.Vote Trump

  4. So one with this

    May 12, 2024 at 10:38 am

    I don’t understand all the money going to these families and yet teachers like myself are being let go because of budget cuts. I’m sure there are other people loosing their jobs do to budget yet the State and our Government will spend billions on other but not our own.

    • Joannne

      May 12, 2024 at 12:05 pm

      Why not come, everything’s free!! Keep them coming!! The dam will break and people will wake up and revolt..November can’t come fast enough!!

      • Magi

        May 12, 2024 at 3:26 pm

        It’s only free if you’re illegal. If you’re a poor citizen then you’re just expected to suffer without access to a lot of basic necessities like food and affordable shelter. Even homeless shelters and community centers are being taken over to house the *ILLEGAL* aliens, leaving our own homeless and poor *citizens* out in the wind with nowhere to turn. It’s disgusting that we are treating our own people like this so the US can look “humanitarian” and “compationate” on the international stage. What kind of country puts their own people out on the streets just so they can make space for strangers? Makes no sense!

  5. Judy Casey

    May 12, 2024 at 10:47 am

    When are we gonna start taking care of our own we have veterans living on the streets and these people are coming here illegally and getting everything free what’s wrong with this country sick of my tax dollars paying for these people when this country goes broke are all these other countries gonna take care of us and give us everything free I don’t think so send them all back where they came from

  6. Mary Holtorf

    May 12, 2024 at 11:30 am

    Look at the makeup of MA legislators. Unbalanced between Republicans and Democrats. Participate in your local Republican Party and get out the vote, voter ID. We need to rebuild the Republican Party in MA.

  7. Carolyn Mador

    May 12, 2024 at 11:43 am

    Stop taking from hard working citizen to give to migrants crossing our border in large numbers.

  8. RedPilled

    May 12, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    Many of the illegals are here because they specifically asked to be bused or flown here. Why?

    Right to Shelter
    Right to free hospital care
    Right to get a license
    Free food stamps

    Just to name a few freebies . These people are not stupid. They know the system. If Biden wins in November the country is done.

  9. PJ

    May 12, 2024 at 5:10 pm

    This is a travesty to our state and all of these towns. Children whose parents pay for them to go to the schools will suffer. Teachers who don’t get paid enough, will suffer having these additional children who do not speak the language at their schools. We have no rights in our own country anymore. How can Maura Healy dictate this for towns and for the state. we are stripped of all our rights. But we have to continue to pay. Everybody feels the same and just won’t speak up. Could we go to another country and get this treatment? I doubt it is common sense it’s not gray it’s black and white !!we pay they don’t they get phones they get housing. They get food. Everybody else here has to work for it and earn it. It is completely incomprehensible to me.

  10. Delila

    May 12, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    Sherif Grady Judd exposed what the government is actually doing with illegal immigrants . They are taking advantage of them, sex trafficking them and charging them!!! Please educate yourselves. It doesn’t not matter if our president is Republican/democratic etc they take advantage of the vulnerable people that are asking for asylum !!

  11. I'VE HAD IT

    May 12, 2024 at 6:15 pm

    Will somebody please ask Healy or Biden how our country can sustain this kind of spending on illegals. No country on earth can sustain this kind of behavior. We are cutting jobs from hard working people to get the money not payoff this. Talk about screwed up? But don’t worry, 10 years from now they will find a way to let them vote Democrat and all will be ok.

  12. John

    May 12, 2024 at 9:08 pm

    For those of you complaining… Let’s be honest, if this shelter was in the ‘hoods” of Boston like, Mattapan, Dorchester and Roxbury you would NOT be complaining.

  13. Missy

    May 12, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    I pray that the majority of towns/cities DONT allow the illegals to vote. Thats what is really scary. Part of why the Dems want this is to secure their position in November. Its no coincidence that they register you to vote when you get your drivers license and who just got allowed to get drivers licenses last year just in time. Im surprised that law passed.

  14. Rose

    May 13, 2024 at 9:39 am

    Let’s stop blaming who did it the bottom line here is we can’t take care of our own people vets elderly homeless and these migrants show up and u want the American people to take care of them that’s bullshit I am tired of working to support the Ukraine war and everyother war going on that we feel we need to support and now these migrants who expect this country to give them everything I would love to give them this a first class ticket back where they came from when is the people we elected going to start taking care of US!!!!

  15. done in massachusetts

    May 13, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    repeal the states Sanctuary status and low and behold we will not have to spend billions of dollars EVERY year on illegal immigrants and maybe just maybe help the American people for a change. I will be voting out all democrats in November and for the foreseeable future the liberal politicians in Massachusetts have gone too far and the State needs a change of these lifelong politicians who have done nothing but reach in my pocket for money on things I don’t agree with see you in November.

  16. Paul

    May 13, 2024 at 2:57 pm

    repeal the Sanctuary status in Massachusetts and low and behold we would not have to spend BILLIONS on illegal immigrants EVERY year. you are aware this will not stop they will keep coming Every year until we say ENOUGH, or the STATE is bankrupt. I will be voting out all democrats in November the Liberal Politicians in Mass have gone way too far and I’m getting tired of them spending billions on stuff that I don’t agree with. it’s time to rid Massachusetts of these lifelong Politicians who do nothing for people who are actually residents of Massachusetts. see you in November.

  17. Edward

    May 14, 2024 at 8:18 pm

    President Biden inherited the most secure border of all-time. But minutes after taking office, he suspended all deportations, halted construction of the border wall, and announced a plan to give amnesty to millions.
    President Biden didn’t just create this border crisis. He invited it with 94 executive actions in his first 100 days,”

  18. BradRaffensburger

    May 16, 2024 at 3:09 pm

    Massachusetts is the home of the rigged election, it’s the reason we are inundated with demonrat pols.

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