How to run for mayor in the Fall River recall election

It’s official – Fall River will have a recall election. Yesterday, the Fall River City Council officially set March 12, 2019 as the election date. Want to be mayor of the city? It may sound difficult and complex to run for mayor, but it’s not. Here’s everything you’ll need to do in chronological order:
1. Get familiar with the Fall River elections office
Fall River Elections has a page of candidate laws/rules. Stop by or give them a call if you have any questions. Here is the contact information and webpage:
One Government Center
Fall River, MA 02722
2. Pick up your nomination papers
Nomination papers are available from Jan 4-21, 2019 at the Department of Elections at One Government Center. After you sign your name and address, you will be issued 11 sheets of papers to collect signatures.
3. Get your friends, family and supporters registered to vote
Feb 20th is the last day Fall River residents can register to vote in the recall election. You’ll need your supporters registered to vote if they want to participate in the recall election on Mar 12th or to even sign your nomination papers.
4. You’ll need 300 certified signatures
Get at least 420 registered voters to sign your nomination paper. While 300 certified signatures are required to get on the ballot, it’s a good idea to get as many signatures as possible. The elections office recommends 40% more signatures than required. I’d recommend 500 or more signatures. Just because someone signing your nomination papers may say they are a registered a voter, but it doesn’t mean they are. Anyone can use the State’s tool to check their registered status. 5 pm on January 23rd is the final day you can submit your nomination papers to the elections office. Don’t be even a minute late!
5. Get familiar with the election timeline
That’s it! Campaign and see you on election day.
Patrick Higgins
January 3, 2019 at 5:24 pm
Candidates for mayor have to setup an account with the as mayoral candidates.