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Herren Wellness’ first location to open March 5th



Herren Wellness has announced the opening of their first location at the former Jacob Hill at 120 Jacob St in Seekonk will take place on March 5th.

Herren Wellness is an innovative holistic health and wellness organization created by Fall River native and former Boston Celtic, Chris Herren. Herren has become a recognized motivational speaker committed to the prevention and recovery of substance use and behavioral health disorders.
Herren Wellness believe that prevention, identification and early intervention can change the trajectory path of addiction and behavioral disorders. Herren Wellness is comprised of life coaching with a focus on sleep analysis, fitness and nutritional guidance, mindfulness strategies and educational workshops.
Their holistic approach is designed to empower individuals to accept and maintain a healthy lifestyle that supports well-being and paves a path for success.

Founder Chris Herren issued a statement on Herren Wellness:

“Over the past seven years I have traveled across the country sharing the story of my addiction and recovery. I’ve met many students, athletes, professionals and others who are at risk for addiction, anxiety and depression, and other harmful conditions. Many search for but cannot find the resources to help themselves. I was one of those people. From an early age, basketball defined me. To the outside world I looked like I had it all, but inside I was confused, afraid of failure, and anxious about my future. Alcohol and drugs brought relief from those feelings, but very quickly I became dependent and it wasn’t until my addiction progressed that finally, in 2008, I sought help. My life has never been the same since and I am eternally grateful. But I’ve often thought how different it might have been if, before I turned to alcohol and drugs, I could have gone to a place that taught me alternative ways to deal with my internal struggles. That thought has never left me and it has now led me to embark on a new endeavor in my life—the creation of Herren Wellness.”

“Herren Wellness will launch it’s first location at the site of the historic Jacob Hill Inn in Seekonk, Mass. Herren Wellness will use a holistic approach designed to empower individuals to adopt a lifestyle that supports health and well-being. Over the course of the 4-8 week in-residence program our team of professionals will provide fitness and nutritional guidance, life coaching, sleep analysis, mindfulness strategies, educational workshops, and other wellness activities.”

“There are an estimated 60 million Americans who misuse substances but have not yet become dependent. There are also 23 million in recovery from addiction who have yet to experience the fullness of the recovery life. Many of these individuals do not need an inpatient rehabilitation program or a hospital stay, but rather a place to recalibrate their lives, adopt a wellness lifestyle, learn techniques to improve their health, and help them realize their full potential.”

“I know how much this holistic approach to wellness has made a difference in my life and I’m excited to share these techniques to help others.”

“When we ask you to “Discover Your Why,” we are asking you to search for the answers that will be the key to health and personal fulfillment. Discovering why you are not living your best life is the first step to finding your path to success.”

If you are looking for more information on Herren Wellness, click on the link and it will provide you with contact information and more details.

Herren Wellness

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