Fauci: “anti-science feeling” obstructing path to normality

By Katie Lannan
AUG. 5, 2020….Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday he’s “cautiously optimistic” that efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine will be successful, and projected that more answers will be available in a matter of months.
“My projection — which is only a projection — is that somewhere towards the end of the year, the beginning of 2021, we will know whether we have a safe and effective vaccine,” Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a forum hosted by Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
In conversation with CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Fauci also said his family has received threats from people who object to his public statements, and that the coronavirus pandemic will “smolder” unless everyone works together to suppress it.
Fauci said that the United States has suffered “as much or worse than anyone” during the course of the pandemic, and Gupta raised the point that the country represents less than 5 percent of the world’s population but accounts for 20 percent to 25 percent of both COVID-19 infections and deaths across the globe.
“That has to be the worst. Is it not the worst?” Gupta asked.
“It is,” Fauci replied. “Quantitatively, if you look at it, it is. The numbers don’t lie.”
Fauci has laid out a series of principles for people to follow to manage spread of the contagious coronavirus, including wearing masks, keeping physical distance, avoiding crowds and indoor bars, choosing outdoor activities over indoor ones when possible, and practicing good hand hygiene.
Acknowledging “a degree of anti-science feeling in this country,” Fauci said some people don’t believe him or don’t pay attention when he says that following those principles will allow for the country to reopen its economy.
“That’s unfortunate because that is the way out of this,” he said. “We can continue to go towards normality without doing the drastic thing of shutting down, if we follow some fundamental principles.”
Fauci, who has become a mainstay in the media over the past several months, said his family has received death threats and his adult daughters have been harassed, “to the point where I have to get security.”
“I wouldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams that people who object to things that are pure public health principles are so set against it and don’t like what you and I say, namely in the word of science, that they actually threaten you,” he told Gupta. “I mean, that to me is just strange.”
Fauci said he believes some of the apparent mistrust in science comes from a “mistrust in authority” and a desire to push back against government, as scientists who are presenting data are viewed as authority figures.
“Unfortunately, that’s not what scientists are,” he said. “And I think we need to be more transparent in reaching out to people and engaging society in understanding why science and evidence-based policy is so important.”
Fauci said one of his daughters was on her college crew team and drew a parallel between that sport and the fight to contain COVID-19 in the United States, saying everyone in the country needs to be rowing in the same direction.
“So long as you have any member of society, any demographic group, who’s not seriously trying to get to the end game of suppressing this, it will continue to smolder and smolder and smolder,” Fauci said.
Gupta wrapped up the discussion by asking Fauci if he plans to be in the same job the next time a pandemic hits.
Fauci said he hoped he’ll be “long gone” before that happens and that Gupta “will be fishing somewhere, enjoying retirement, or maybe up with the spirits of your ancestors.”
“I will stay in this job, Sanjay, as long — and I’m pretty honest with myself and I’ve got a really honest wife — as long as I’m on my top form, and when I stop being top form, I’ll be gone,” he said.
Mortis Maximus
August 8, 2020 at 8:19 pm
When Faucis connections to super MD. Bill Gates were reported upon, it should have sent up a red flag with all Americans. When Bill Gates is marched out as the leader in the fight against the Wuhan Virus a virus which he helped to develop financially, more red flags. Doctor Gates then comes up with the plan to help stop the spread of Wuhan by shutting down America’s economy, red flags now waving in our faces. This is not about science that will help anyone but about the evil science of transhumanism, sterilization, morbidity, abortion. This is the science of a death cult. This Cult believes it will join with machine through AI. There will be no need for nonsubserviant organic humans. Everything living will be genetically modified by the hands of the AI robots. Satan is alive and well in the vessels of people like Gates and Fauci. It is not more money that these fallen men strive for, it is control that they seek so that they will destroy the works of Yashua Hamishiack. The world was given to men by God as a testament to his love for us. All that is beautiful is under attack. Please pay more attention to the people being marched out as humanity’s saviors. Please read deeper into important information that the main stream media companies ignore, because they are owned by the very people you have tasked with saving you. You have all already been saved. Jesus the messiah has offered you eternal salvation. Give God your obedience and you will feel true freedom and you will enjoy God’s wisdom. God will show you anything you ask of him but beware because the truth can be a heavy burden unless you relent to salvation.