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Fall River Police Department Captain replaces fishing poles after being stolen from young boys



Faith in humanity was somewhat restored for a Fall River mother thanks to a member of FRPD.

According to Kimberly Anne, fishing poles belonging to her 7- and 8-year-old sons Luke and Carter had been left in the bed of their truck in front of their home.

“We had just gotten back from camping and hadn’t had a chance to bring them inside. Not even 24 hours after returning back home to the city they had already been stolen from the back of the truck.”

Understandably frustrated, Kimberly took to social media.

“I’m very disappointed in you people. I have no faith left in humanity when there’s people like you out there. If something is on private property or in someone’s bed of the vehicle what gives you the right to just take it?????…. This city is the worst.”

When Fall River Police Captain Kelly Furtado saw Kimberly’s post, she contacted her privately on Facebook and asked her to stop by the station and that they would love to replace the poles.

Sure enough, Kimberly stopped by the station Monday and the poles were waiting for her with a note stating “I’m sorry your fishing poles were stolen. Hope this makes you feel better.”

The gesture changed Kimberly’s perspective.

“Let me correct myself. The city is not the worst, it’s just some of the people in it.”

I think most of us can agree with that.

It also shows that small gestures can have big impacts, even creating a little faith in humanity.



Copyright © 2017 Fall River Reporter

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