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Fall River, Dighton, 22 others, receiving parts of $8.1 million in “Complete Streets” funding



FITCHBURG – Tuesday, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack, and Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver joined Fitchburg Mayor Stephen DiNatale and other local leaders in Fitchburg to announce the latest round of Complete Streets Funding Program awards, totaling $8.1 million in funding to 24 communities. These awards will be used to fund local, multimodal infrastructure projects that improve accessibility for bicyclists, pedestrians, public transit users, and people using other forms of transportation.

“The Complete Streets Program is one of the many ways our administration partners with cities and towns to improve their local transportation infrastructure,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This latest round of funding will help ensure that local roadways provide accommodations for all modes of travel, and we were pleased to include additional funding for the Complete Streets Program in our administration’s transportation bond bill to continue supporting this program.”

“We are proud to continue supporting our municipal partners so they can achieve their transportation and economic development goals,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito.“These funding awards will enable communities across the Commonwealth to carry out projects that install new sidewalks, bicycle lanes, crosswalks and intersections for people to safely and easily reach the places they need to go.”

A “Complete Street” is one that provides safe and accessible options for all travel modes and for all people, taking into account the ages and abilities of individuals. The Baker-Polito Administration has now awarded a total of 148 construction grants at $46 million since creating the funding program for Complete Streets in February 2016.

The Baker-Polito Administration included $20 million for the Complete Streets Program as part of the Administration’s $18 billion transportation bond bill. In July, the Administration filed “An Act Authorizing and Accelerating Transportation Investment,” which will provide both resources and tools that will enable MassDOT and the MBTA to repair and modernize the state’s transportation system faster, improving its reliability, sustainability and resiliency.

“Thanks to the leadership and support of Governor Baker and Lieutenant Governor Polito, MassDOT is continuing to partner with municipalities to increase connectivity and better enable residents and commuters to reach their jobs, homes, friends, families, and opportunities across the Commonwealth,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “The Complete Streets Program is a reflection of our commitment to ensuring that our roadways work for everyone and benefit people of all ages, abilities, and modes of travel.”

“We appreciate the hard work of all those who are helping manage and implement this important funding program,” said Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver. “We are continuing to receive positive feedback and support from the local communities that are benefiting from these awards and we look forward to seeing these projects carried out.”

These Complete Streets funding awards are in addition to $1.1 billion authorized by the Baker-Polito Administration in Chapter 90 local transportation funding for cities and towns since 2015. In addition, $43 million has also been awarded through the Administration’s Municipal Small Bridge Program, which was announced in 2016 and allows municipalities to repair or replace their small bridges which are not eligible for federal funding.

“The Complete Streets Funding Program provides the necessary resources so that municipalities like Fitchburg can design and build infrastructure projects to benefit pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users,” said Fitchburg Mayor Stephen DiNatale. “I would like to thank the Baker-Polito Administration and MassDOT for their support and confidence in Fitchburg’s Application.”

The Complete Streets Funding Program was launched on February 1, 2016. To date, 208 municipalities have approved policies and 173 (nearly 50%) have approved Prioritization Plans. Examples of projects that can be addressed through the program include improved street lighting, radar speed signage, intersection signalization, new multimodal paths and new signals at crosswalks.

Today’s announcement regarding the Complete Streets Program provides funding to the following communities:

1. Amesbury – Merrimac Corridor and Friend Street Network Improvement $299,523
The City has prioritized three new crosswalks with advanced warning signage. These improvements will decrease pedestrian and vehicle conflict points, reduce pedestrian crossing lengths, provide a clear and consistent path of pedestrian travel and ensure connectivity.

2. Ashburnham – Historic District Main Street Pedestrian Improvements $333,832
Projects include constructing a new sidewalk with granite curb, restriping to provide wider travel lanes for traffic calming and provision of bicycle-safe drain grates and adding wide grass strips in several locations.

3. Billerica – Glad Valley Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Improvements $378,320
The Glad Valley project will include new lane striping to provide a travel lane with bicycle lanes in each direction; reconstruction of the sidewalk along the entire length; installation of a new sidewalk, and a high visibility crosswalk at Ed Hayes Way. A second complementary project includes constructing a new sidewalk segment.

4. Clinton – Water Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Network Connection $282,575
The project will enlarge and improve sidewalks, improve crosswalks and midblock crossings, improve one intersection, install pedestrian-scale lighting, provide a pedestrian rest area, and install roadway markings and signage for shared bicycle use of Water Street.

5. Concord – Town-Wide Multimodal Accessibility Improvements $399,852
This project includes adding sidewalks and a grass buffer. Curb extensions, high visibility crosswalks, pedestrian crosswalk signage and curb ramps will also be installed. A second project includes installation of a pedestrian flashing beacon, crosswalk, pavement markings and signage. A third project consists of making accessibility and traffic-calming improvements by adding curb extensions at the midblock crossings, curb extensions and a crosswalk, constructing new sidewalks and improving delineation of sidewalks.

6. Dighton – Center and Pearl Street Sidewalk and Intersection Improvements $277,442
The first project includes the installation of a new sidewalk and high visibility crosswalks. A second project involves upgrading and extending the existing sidewalk and installation of high-visibility crosswalks. The work also includes installation of a high-visibility midblock crosswalk and pedestrian crossing signage. Bicycle signage, “Bicycles May Use Full Lane,” will be installed on ten roads throughout the town to encourage motorists to share the road.

7. Fall River – William S. Canning Boulevard Multimodal Improvements $399,925
The project will include narrowing travel lanes, construction of sidewalks along each side; adjustment of the curb to provide for bicycle lanes; ADA compliant intersection control at three intersections, crosswalks, pavement lines, and stormwater drainage enhancements.

8. Fitchburg – Main Street and Electric Avenue Corridor Improvements $399,600
The Main Street comprehensive corridor improvements project includes installing curb extensions, installing pedestrian crossing beacons, upgrading and installing regulatory and wayfinding signage, modifying crosswalk configurations to increase side street pedestrian visibility, installing new crosswalks and repairing sidewalks. The Electric Avenue multimodal improvements will connect two separate bicycle/pedestrian facilities together at the Coggshall Park entrance by upgrading sidewalks, installing a midblock pedestrian beacon and wayfinding signage.

9. Goshen – East Street Multimodal Transformations $375,778
This project will widen East Street from Main Street to Highland Road to create a shoulder to provide for bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The project also includes new ADA-compliant curb ramps to connect the pedestrian lane with the existing sidewalks.

10. Haverhill – Main Street at Marsh Avenue Intersection Improvement $282,743
This project includes the reconfiguration of Main Street at Marsh Avenue intersection and narrowing the roadway width to slow speeds and reduce crossing distance; relocating a crosswalk and providing accessible ramps; providing a landscaped median island with accessible crossing locations.

11. Hudson – Town-Wide Accessibility and Connectivity Improvements $366,355
Hudson will construct a new sidewalk and provide pedestrian and handicap access to the Fire, Police and DPW offices. New striping, pedestrian crossing warning signage, and curb ramp reconstruction at existing marked crosswalk locations will be included. Additionally, a new sidewalk will be constructed providing safer pedestrian access downtown. ­­­­­Handicap access will also be completed.

12. Lunenburg – New Pedestrian Network and Transit Access $258,460
The intersection of Main/Highland Street will be reconfigured to shorten pedestrian crossing distances and reduce vehicle speeds. Sidewalks will be added and gaps in the sidewalks will be filled.

13. Malden – Intersection Access and Safety and Safe School Drop-Off $398,066
The first project focuses on better access and improved crossings to enhance safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. Next, the Salem/Branch Street intersection will be reconstructed to prevent illegal U-turns. The project includes the addition of a median on Salem Street and wayfinding signs as well as new pedestrian signals and upgrading of pedestrian signals.

14. Newburyport – Shared-Use Path for Multimodal Access $400,000
This project will complete a Phase 3 connection to the Clipper City Rail Trail, a multi-use recreational path. The project will construct a shared use path and reconstruct the intersection of State/ Parker Street. A new signal will be installed at the intersection of Parker/State Street to allow pedestrians and bicyclists to cross State Street safely.

15. Northampton – MassCentral Rail Trail Access at North Street $78,605
This project will add a new access point to fill a gap. A bicycle path segment, improved safety signage and pavement markings will complete the gap, and both the access ramp and the adjacent shared use path will have the center line and pavement markings upgraded to current standards.

16. Salem – Essex Street Multimodal Reconstruction $399,961
This project includes narrowing lanes and installing bicycle lanes, reconstructing sidewalks and crosswalks, including a raised intersection, installing a street buffer for ornamental street lighting, street trees and various streetscape elements, pavement markings and signs to identify the Salem Heritage Trail through the City, and bicycle-safe drainage grates throughout the project.

17. Salisbury – Salisbury Beach Access and Safety Improvements $362,778
The Town of Salisbury project will significantly improve the facilities along Driftway. This project will construct new sidewalks with defined curbing along both sides, reconstruct the intersection of Central Avenue/Driftway to provide curb extensions, stripe new shared lane markings the length of Driftway.

18. Sunderland- South Silver Lane Diet and Falls Road Bicycle Accommodation $333,871
This project will narrow South Silver Lane, construct a sidewalk, and bike lanes with buffers on both sides of the street, install signage, new wheelchair ramps and a crosswalk. A second project will install fog line stripping to slow the traffic, install bicycle warning signs, and radar speed feedback signs on Falls Road.

19. Wakefield – Albion Street Pedestrian Improvements $378,571
This project includes the reconstruction of sidewalks, curb extensions and crosswalks along Albion Street. Albion Street provides neighborhoods west of North Avenue with access to the Downtown Main Street area.

20. Walpole – Town-wide Bicycle Network and Pedestrian Safety Improvements $302,637
The first project develops the foundation of a town-wide on-street bicycle network by restriping sections of road to narrow travel lanes and accommodate bicycle lanes. The Common Street pedestrian crossing safety project will modify an area with high pedestrian traffic and install pedestrian beacons. Other improvements include sidewalk repair and midblock crosswalk, a bus shelter and bicycle parking. Additionally, speed feedback display signs will be installed to promote traffic calming.

21. Webster – Commercial District Network Completion and Safety Improvement $368,377
The project fills this important network gap from Paradis Lane to Thompson Road by constructing a new sidewalk, striping new crosswalks across Paradis Lane and installing pedestrian warning beacons.

22. West Brookfield – Reconstruction of West Main Street $383,228
The West Brookfield Town Center project will provide bicycle, pedestrian and traffic calming improvements along a section of West Main. Crossings will be shortened and rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) will be provided at crossings along West Main Street. A solar powered “Your Speed” flashing speed limit sign will help slow vehicles when entering the project area.

23. Weymouth – Town-wide Multimodal Improvements $295,106
The first project will build two bus shelters to improve transit service quality and encourage greater use by residents. The second project consists of installing a speed feedback display sign to slow vehicle speed at the Union Street near Russell Road to make this area safer. A third project provides new bicycle parking at key locations in the town to increase bike parking capacity.

24. Whitman – Park Avenue/Essex Street Intersection Safety Improvements $363,674
The project will realign the Park Avenue at Essex Street intersection to improve access, safety, sight lines, and shorten the crossing by more than 50%, improving vehicular and pedestrian safety and comfort. This project also involves adding an additional crosswalk on the other side of the intersection and reconstructing the sidewalk along the northern side of Park Avenue.

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