Dighton/Somerset Republicans hold ‘Back the Blue’ standout Saturday morning

The following was submitted by Jessica Machado:
The Dighton Republican Town Committee, in conjunction with the Somerset Republican Town Committee, hosted a Trump/Back the Blue standout this Saturday morning.
The local groups and supporters gathered in front of the Dighton Police station from 8 to 10 AM holding signs and waving flags supporting the President as well as signs that encourage passersby to support local police officers. Joining the group was Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, who shook hands with supporters and waved to cars going by. Local celebrity Charlie Chace also joined the group to show support. Chace recently made national headlines for being attacked and pushed to the ground while wearing a Make America Great Again hat while holding a Trump sign in Fall River.
Dighton Republican Town Committee chairman Tom Gallucci was pleased with the turnout. “It’s great to see the Republican Town Committees of Dighton and Somerset working together to show support for our President and our Police. The appearance of Sheriff Hodgson was an honor to all of us. We’re going to continue working together to re-elect the President all the way.”

Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson and Somerset Republican Town Committee member Jessica Machado. Photo by Erin Raffa.
This was the first event for the newly reorganized Somerset Republican Town Committee, which has been dormant since the 2016 election. Member Jessica Machado said the committee is ready to support President Trump and other local Republican candidates running for office. “Strong town committees are so important to help grow support for our candidates and causes. We look forward to more events in the future and thank our Dighton Committee members for organizing this successful event.”
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