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Fall River Police investigating evening drive-by shooting after several shots fired



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The Fall River Police Department is currently investigating what appears to be a drive-by shooting.

According to Det. Sergeant Moses Pereira, Units are currently on scene at the intersection of Pine Street and Tremont Street after the department received multiple reports of shots fired at approximately 7:10 p.m.

Fall River Police Department arrests two 18-year-olds in connection with evening shooting

Upon arrival, multiple spent shell casings were located.

No injuries have been reported. 

The Major Crimes Division and Crime Scene Unit are assisting with the investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Major Crimes Division at 508-324-2796. Anonymous tips can be provided at 508-672-TIPS (8477)



  1. Fed Up

    June 27, 2024 at 9:24 pm

    Wow another shooting. All the gun laws the Democrats have passed promising they will make our streets safer and low-and-behold they were wrong and they’re scheming at this very moment to pass more laws that will not work just keep in mind these are the exact same people releasing criminals busted with guns back on the streets to reoffend. It’s all by design , catch-and-release they reek havoc politicians create more laws in response and the cycle continues , rise and repeat. This state is pathetic.

    • Johnny

      June 27, 2024 at 11:40 pm

      Oh that’s right if u say your a Republican u were automatically a saint

      • Fed Up

        June 28, 2024 at 6:38 am

        I never voted Republican before. I voted Democrat and I will NEVER make that mistake again.

      • Leotis Carpenter

        June 29, 2024 at 6:23 pm

        😂Fr fr

    • John james

      June 28, 2024 at 12:28 pm

      If you think the state is so pathetic then move.

    • Mo

      June 29, 2024 at 1:03 pm

      Totally agreed

  2. Barrack Warren

    June 27, 2024 at 11:27 pm

    We need stronger gun laws and also more money to go to communities in need to stop these types of crimes of poverty, and usually the result of systemic racism, before they happen.

    • Fed Up

      June 28, 2024 at 6:42 am

      We need stronger laws that criminals will break anyway. That’s Democrat logic more Democrat logic ” lets throw more money at the problem ” Sorry we have no money it’s all being wasted on illegal immigrants at the expense of veterans.

      • BigMac

        June 28, 2024 at 9:54 am

        My only hope is that more voters think like you and the right thing get rid of these demagogues killing this country

      • Barrack Warren

        June 28, 2024 at 6:01 pm

        There is no such thing as an illegal human.

      • Independent

        June 29, 2024 at 8:34 pm

        How many illegal immigrants do you know that don’t work? How many illegal immigrants do you see begging on street corners? How many illegal immigrants take jobs that nobody born here wants to do? How many illegal immigrants come here to protect their families from dangerous situations that you can’t even imagine? Would you not do the same facing the same as them? People who are financially stable, have jobs, can feed their children, pay their bills and are not in danger don’t come here. Having said that, I do agree that we do treat our veterans and retirees like dirt and that our judicial system sucks. However, the millions of dollars the government pays and applies to unnecessary people and departments of government that do absolutely nothing is absurd.


          June 29, 2024 at 11:14 pm

          Then why is Massachusetts spending 2 Billion dollars on illegals who have invaded our state? Why are illegals sleeping at Logan Airport? Do you leave your home? I see hundreds of illegals everyday. Most illegals are receiving welfare benefits that Americans are financing? Your statements are a complete farce. There are probably 3 million illegals in Massachusetts alone. Nationwide there are at least 50 border invaders. Most of these people are being handed Americans Social Security and Medicare birthright. Stop with the progressive lies and white guilt fragility complex you’ve been excorcised into and put Americans first!

    • Corey Jacobsen

      June 28, 2024 at 11:33 am

      Do you think criminals care about gun laws? Bet you $100 these people don’t have a gun license. Gun laws only restrict law abiding citizens. What we need is to enforce the laws on the books.

  3. David meade

    June 28, 2024 at 5:29 am

    Again with these shooting. Unbelievable know one safe in this City and I been tell everyone this for a long time keep voting for the same people in office you will get the same results .
    The City council Mayor Paul coogen overlooking these crime in our community

    • BigMac

      June 28, 2024 at 10:06 am

      Oh no he claims fall River has less crime but yet the police are way under staffed there’s no more 2 men/women cars so when a call comes in the have to send 2 sometimes 3 cars which parts of the city unprotected and when a shooting or stabbing happens every car goes to the call so don’t call for help because it will be a while before help comes so mayor coogan stuff your claims

  4. Andrea Lacey

    June 28, 2024 at 7:28 am

    And people paying hundreds of thousands to buy a house in this city….I don’t get it. If I could afford it, I’d live someplace nicer.

  5. MortisMaximus

    June 28, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    Fall River residents will receive what we’ll accept.

    • Louie

      June 29, 2024 at 3:05 am

      Does anyone sincerely believe the criminals will abide by new gun laws let alone any laws at all?

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