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With virus cases rising, Southcoast Health temporarily suspends patient visitation with exceptions



Due to the rapidly rising number of COVID-19 cases in the community and for the safety of patients and healthcare workers, Southcoast Health hospital patient visitation has been temporarily suspended as of January 12, 2022.

No visitors are allowed in the hospital or emergency department except for the below exceptions.


Adult Inpatient Units and Emergency Departments
• End of Life or patient on Comfort Measure Only
• Legal Guardian or Required Health Care Proxy
• At the discretion of the care team, one support person may be allowed to visit: A support person is defined as someone that is essential for the support of a patient who has a cognitive disability, including patients who have altered mental status, communications barriers, intellectual and/ or developmental disabilities.

Family Centered Unit
• One Birth Partner (Received wristband from FCU)
• Parents of a Minor Child (Received wristband from FCU)
• No visitors under the age of 5, including siblings on Post-Partum
• No visitors under the age of 12 are allowed on Pediatrics

Surgical Patients
• Ambulatory Surgery or Post Anesthesia Care Unit at the discretion of the care team

All Approved Visitors must be able to do one of the following:
• Show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or
• Provide a negative COVID-19 PCR Test result, obtained from a laboratory with result provided within 24 hours of visit

All Approved Visitors
• Must remain in the patient room unless entering/exiting the building or using a rest room
• Are required to remain masked for the duration of the visit. Visitation will not be allowed for patients with COVID-19 unless “visitor” is there as a birth partner, or present for patients at end-of-life care or on comfort measures only.
• On FCU, Birth Partner (if fully vaccinated) can be on site for birth of baby and visit after the birth with negative screening for symptoms and a negative COVID test.
• On FCU, Birth Partner (if unvaccinated) has to quarantine for 5 days beyond mother’s isolation period. Birth Partner may attend birth if negative test result, but would need to leave 1 hour after the birth due to not being vaccinated

Outpatient (non-hospital patients) Visitation Policy – Effective Wednesday, January 12, 2022

-One visitor per patient, when necessary. Exception for newborn visits.

-No visitors with COVID symptoms: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.

-No visitors who have returned from international or cruise travel without a negative test per CDC recommendations:
Fully vaccinated individuals should be tested within 3 – 5 days after travel.
In addition, for individuals not fully vaccinated, an additional recommendation is to self-quarantine for a full 5 days after travel

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