
With Massachusetts gas and electric rates set to spike, there are some ways to lower your bill



BOSTON – With electric and heating costs expecting to spike this fall and winter, there are some tips you can use to lower your bill.

According to National Grid of Massachusetts, in total, the monthly bill of a typical residential electric customer using 600 kWh will increase from $179 in the winter 2021-2022 season, to approximately $293 for the winter 2022-2023 season, or a 64 percent increase, driven by higher electric supply prices. National Grid moves from summer to winter rates November 1st of each year, per their regulatory schedule. Winter rates are traditionally higher than summer rates, due to the high demand for natural gas.

“National Grid buys electricity on behalf of its customers from the wholesale power market through a regulatory approved process established 20 years ago. That process has served customers well over the years and provides flexibility for unforeseen events, like limited supplier response to solicitations. But things have fundamentally changed,” said Burt. “Today, under a sustained, high market price environment, it is challenging to maintain affordable prices. Given that, we think it’s a good time to work with our regulators and other stakeholders to review the process and electricity supply dynamics in the region, with an eye toward reducing price volatility and maintaining a secure, reliable and resilient energy system for the future.”

As with electricity, National Grid adjusts its natural gas rates November 1st and May 1st to reflect seasonal differences in the cost of natural gas. Similar to electric, National Grid says that they do not profit from gas supply costs; instead, customers pay what they pay for natural gas supply. The company has a pending proposal with the Department of Public Utilities that would result in a monthly bill for an average Boston Gas residential heating customer using 115 therms per month of $278, an increase of $50, or 22 percent, compared to rates last winter. For an average Colonial Gas residential heating customer using 107 therms per month, the typical bill would be $241, an increase of $47, or 24 percent, compared to rates last winter.

Here are some tips, courtesy of the City of Boston, to lower your energy bill in the coming months.

Save on electricity

Unplug all electronics when you’re not using them. Keep your refrigerator coils clean so it doesn’t have to work overtime. Shut off the lights when you leave a room.

Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones. This can save up to $40 over the life of the bulb.

Consider using a toaster oven instead of your regular one.

Save on water

Only wash full loads of dishes. Also, drying dishes yourself cuts energy use in half. Likewise, only wash full loads of laundry.

Heating water accounts for roughly 15 percent of a home’s energy use, so install low-flow shower heads and fix leaks.

Heating costs

Programmable thermostats save up to $100 a year on heating and cooling costs. Keep your heat at 68 degrees and lower it at night if you can.

Set your water heater between 110-120 degrees. Wrap it in an insulating blanket to keep heat in.

Don’t forget to put your storm windows in when it starts getting cold. Never block radiators or heating vents. Make sure vents are clear of dust.

Massachusetts also has ways you can get a discount or reduce your bill if you are low income.


  1. Bill Henderson

    September 26, 2022 at 7:34 am

    “Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones.” What???? Was this written in 2005? Wow. Laughable. Ummmm I think you meant LED? Yikes. Once I read that I realize the writer was not at all informed and suspect every other so called fact in this article. Please have someone with actual experience on the topic proof read your stories!

    • Joe Silvia

      September 26, 2022 at 12:20 pm

      This is a press release from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Forward your criticism to them.

      A word of warning: you may want to PROOFREAD your own messages before you send them. Why is it that the people with the most Dunning-Kruger Effect condescend to others while making errors of their own? The irony.

      Buy yourself a dictionary and look up the word “PROOFREAD,” clown.

      You obnoxious narcissists are all the same. You inflate your own intelligence (which is really a lack), ignore your own faults while pointing out that of other, all the while ignoring the important contexts – helping people save some money – so that you can make every topic about you.

      Stop making it about you. It’s not.

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