What does it say about Fall River if the voters re-elect Pam Laliberte?

Fall River residents love to complain about the problems of the city, but the voters re-elect the same politicians year after year, even the ones with a criminal record. Long-time City Councilor Leo Pelletier was a convicted felon yet voters re-elected him year after year. Jasiel Correia was re-elected in a special election. Now voters will decide if City Councilor Pam Laliberte returns to the City Council next year after admitting to harassing the wife of a married man she was reportedly having affairs with.
Pam Laliberte had an affair with a married man, admitted in court to harassing his wife over a long period of time, lied to and was evasive with police when confronted with a warrant, and showed no remorse when brought in front of a judge to face charges. While pleading guilty to two misdemeanors, The Herald News reports that she tried to get all charges against her dropped before finally admitting to the misdemeanor charges:
City Councilor Pam Laliberte admitted to two misdemeanor charges in Fall River District Court on Thursday and that she harassed the wife of an ex-lover and business associate through multiple cellphone calls and text messages after being charged by the Westport Police Department.
“Ms. Laliberte are those facts true?” asked Fall River District Court Judge Kevin J. Finnerty after Bristol County Assistant District Attorney Courtney Cahill read facts regarding the two counts of criminal harassment, making annoying telephone calls/electronic communications.
“Yes,” said Laliberte.
While The DA did drop the felony charges, there are concerning actions by Pam Laliberte that she was never charged.
First, a mistress having an affair with a married man is not the victim, the wife getting cheated on is. Harassing the wife shows deep character flaws of selfishness and vindictiveness.
Second, Westport Police stated that Pam Laliberte became aware of the investigation and contacted one of the victims in an attempt to have the investigation stopped. Apparently, A City Council President attempting to stop an investigation isn’t a crime in Bristol County, but voters should consider it.
Third, the Westport Police report shows some deceptive actions by Pam Laliberte while a search warrant was being executed. When police arrived at her home to execute a search warrant of Pam’s phone, police officers reported that her car was in the driveway but there was no response even though they knocked, rang the doorbell and even blew their police vehicle horn.
A Fall River police officer arrived, called Pam Laliberte and tried to convince her to come out and give up her phone. She stated she wasn’t at home.
After lying that she was in New Bedford, police caught her exiting the back of her home.
Fall River removes mayors for purple trash bags that were good for the city, but votes in city councilors who make a fortune on illegal gambling. Will they vote in someone who harasses their lover’s wife, lies to the police, and shows no remorse? My guess is yes and it speaks to the current state and direction of Fall River.
Fed Up
September 14, 2023 at 4:41 pm
If they re-ellect her it says the obvious. Massachusetts voters are morons.
September 14, 2023 at 4:55 pm
What does it say ? These the same people who think Joe Biden is articulate and intelligent? And doesn’t have any cognitive issues? Pam is a shoe in
September 14, 2023 at 7:20 pm
Pam is a degenerate! She is a shamless self promoter and purely driven by egocentric ambitions. The only legislative activity we’ve seen from Pam and frankly all of the City Council are socioemotional delusions. Fall River politicians are nothing but cut rate amateurs basking in any glory that can be extracted from the forsaken tax payers. Maybe the Council Chamber would benefit from an Exorcism! Look around Fall River and convince the residents that the City isn’t as bad as it’s ever been.
Cheating Fart
September 14, 2023 at 9:06 pm
Her lackeys will vote her in. The line on the radio was ‘It’s no big deal’ with any dissent hung up on.
She claims to be there for her constituents. How many of them has she blocked on Facebook for asking questions?
Ken Masson
September 15, 2023 at 7:18 am
This is what happens when your local newspaper is functionally dead with no coverage of local events like City council meetings and school committee meetings. Unless you have cable and have time to watch because there’s nobody taking notes on who’s saying what and who’s voting what and reporting it. So basically most people don’t know what’s going on and that participating less in elections. Democracy is slowly dying in this country.