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Two separate women found with 70 pounds of marijuana at Logan Airport in Boston



Photo courtesy of US Custom and Border

BOSTON – A London woman was ordered held on $1,500 bail after U.S. Customs and Border agents seized approximately 70 pounds of marijuana on Sunday before her flight back to the United Kingdom, making this the second passenger flying to the U.K. arrested at Logan Airport for trafficking marijuana in the last two months, District Attorney Kevin Hayden announced.

19-year-old Fareedat Folunsho of London, was charged in East Boston BMC with trafficking marijuana between 50 and 100 pounds. Judge Joseph Griffin ordered Folunsho held on $1,500 bail and to surrender her passport. Folunsho will return to court on May 21 for a probable cause hearing.

A Massachusetts state trooper was dispatched to the U.S. Customs Hall for a woman in custody, later identified as Folunsho, for attempting to fly back to the United Kingdom with approximately 70 pounds of marijuana.

Folunsho is the second individual who has attempted to fly to the U.K. to be arrested and charged with trafficking marijuana between 50 and 100 pounds from Logan Airport since April.

Marijuana is illegal in the United Kingdom, where it has an illicit-market street value of about $5,000 per pound.

Last month, a Michigan woman was arrested and charged with trafficking marijuana in East Boston BMC after U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents seized two large suitcases containing multiple vacuum-seal bags with approximately 74 pounds of marijuana.

“These two arrests in a fairly short time span should make it quite clear to anyone else trying to fly marijuana to the U.K. through Boston that it’s not a good idea, to say the least. It didn’t work for these two women and it’s not likely to work for anyone else either,” Hayden said.



  1. Jake Perry

    May 19, 2024 at 11:09 am

    Fareedat Folunsho is a mule and she’s but one in a pack of many. Kevin Hayden knows this. He wants us to believe that catching 2 out of 2000 is a good thing.

  2. JB

    May 19, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    Jake, I suspect you are correct on the 2 out of 2,000 thing.

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