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Trump Administration proposes historic low refugee admission



The Trump Administration has announced their fiscal 2021 plan concerning refugees.

Wednesday, the Department of State, together with the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Health and Human Services, submitted the President’s Report to Congress on the Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2021.

The United States anticipates receiving more than 300,000 new refugees and asylum claims in Fiscal Year 2021. Of that number, up to 15,000 would be refugees admitted through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and more than 290,000 would be individuals in new asylum cases.

The Department of State issued the following statement.

“The United States is committed to achieving the best humanitarian outcomes while advancing our foreign policy interests. Given the dire situation of nearly 80 million displaced people around the world, the mission of American diplomacy is more important than ever.”

“By focusing on ending the conflicts that drive displacement in the first place, and by providing overseas humanitarian assistance to protect and assist displaced people, we can prevent the destabilizing effects of such displacement on affected countries and their neighbors. Therefore, we pursue diplomatic solutions to crises around the world, such as our support for the legitimate government of Venezuela in the face of the illegitimate Maduro regime’s tyranny.”

The International Rescue Committee was disappointed in the proposal.

“The Trump Administration has proposed a historically low goal of just 15,000 refugees for fiscal year 2021, even lower than last year’s goal of 18,000 — and set highly restrictive categories of admission that will bar refugees from some of the world’s largest crises, and especially Black and Muslim refugees.”

“Meanwhile, global need is rising, with over 1.4 million of the most vulnerable refugees in need of resettlement.”

The Administration states that the refugee proposal is in line with National Security plans and prioritizes the safety and well-being of Americans.

“In line with the U.S. National Security Strategy, we are working to assist refugees and other displaced people as close to their homes as possible until they can safely and voluntarily return to rebuild their lives, their communities, and their countries. As part of our longstanding leadership in international humanitarian crisis response, the United States provided more than $9 billion in humanitarian assistance in Fiscal Year 2019 and nearly $70 billion in humanitarian assistance over the past decade.”

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