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Tension between Mayor Correia, recall group heats up days before election



With days before the March 12th recall election, tension between both sides of the issue appear to be getting to a boiling point.

Noted recaller Colin Dias, who states he is running for City Council later this year, got into an exchange with Mayor Correia where both appear to be recording each other with Dias’ vehicle parked closely to Correia’s. Dias stated in a social media post that the mayor was shouting at him out of the car window. Dias also stated that he saw no problem with the way he was parked and he challenged Mayor Correia to release his video of the event.

Here is the first video posted by Dias.

Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II uses city vehicle for campaign event

Posted by Alternative Fall River on Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Here is the second video posted by Dias showing his interaction with the mayor.

Mayor Jasiel F. Correia II once again shows his immaturity to remain in the office of Mayor. This video shows Mayor Correia recording me going back to my car ( I saw him recording me so I started recording on defense for evidence purposes) and starting a scene over a small parking dispute. He was recording me from his car and shouting out the window rather then discuss any problem with civility. I saw no problem with the way I was parked so I have no idea why he was upset. This shows the immaturity of Mayor Correia to engage in recording contests over nothing. Is this what we want as our mayor? I challenge Mayor Correia to release his video of the event. Vote yes on the recall, March 12th

Posted by Alternative Fall River on Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Dias, who is frequently critical of Correia on social media, posted the video late Tuesday night which led to commentary both for and against the mayor in the incident.

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