
Tax filings show Berube paid himself $6k in 2020 for Spirit of Somerset event despite COVID shutdown



Tax filings for the non-profit company Spirit of Somerset Inc. show that the President of the non-profit paid himself $6,000 in 2020 despite the town not hosting the event due to COVID restrictions.

This week, former Somerset Board of Selectman David Berube went before the current Board of Selectmen asking for the town to cover some of the costs associated with last year’s event. Berube claims that he was unaware that he would have to cover the costs of town services such as police details, fire department staff to oversee fireworks and highway department services.

During that meeting, Selectman Allen Smith disclosed that the town’s Advisory and Finance Committee had previously voted to not support town funding to the event as it violated laws that restrict the town giving money to businesses operating as non-profits. The board did not make a decision on Berube’s latest request this week.

However, Fall River Reporter has learned that in 2020, Berube paid himself a $6,000 stipend for the annual event, despite the event never taking place. Spirit of Somerset Inc. tax filings show that in 2020, the company generated $20,550 in revenue with $16,256 in expenses. Included in those expenses was compensation to Berube for $6,000. The Somerset Board of Selectman voted that year not to hold the annual event because of town and statewide COVID restrictions.

Tax filings for Spirit of Somerset Inc. in 2020 show Berube took a $6,000 payment despite not hosting an event.

2019 tax filings for Spirit of Somerset show Berube paid himself $5,000 as president of the non-profit. 2019 was the first year that Spirit of Somerset operated as a non-profit after being a town hosted event for decades.

2019 Tax filings for Spirit of Somerset Inc.


  1. Auto fill contact

    February 3, 2024 at 1:30 pm

    And this is why we don’t trust any government. David Beribe ruined everything for me. Right this very second.

    • Chuck Thibault

      February 6, 2024 at 12:27 am

      I am not saying anything bad about Mr. Berube, as he’s always been an outstanding individual in both business and personal life. As of the writing of this (2/5/24) I have yet to hear an explanation as to the reason for this and would be interested in hearing it. I wish people would take the time to investigate matters before deciding guilty or not guilty as well as never passing judgement on anyone unless they are God.

  2. Nobody

    August 15, 2024 at 4:10 pm

    Seriously I think both articles regarding this explain it perfectly. As a resident of somerset and someone who supports him you should be ashamed of yourselves. He profited off a town he lives in, he stole money from a town he supposedly loves so much. You know how many residents in town would love to have use of the highway departments equipment and material and have a non profit organization “for the town” and make money off of it..

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